Plugin / Bad Comments
Chitic Stefan-GabreilDescription
This plugin will automatically search in a database if a user that posted a comment on your blog has already had a bad behavior regarding the comments, and will alert you about this. Evenmore you can read those comments by visting the website.
We dislike malicious comments
Who likes them? You have better things to do in your life instead of getting stressed by people who don’t want nothing else but to make you nervous.Bad comments is a project that will help you get rid of all those malicious comments.Even more,Bad comments can be used also as a anti spam protection, and so you will never have to worry again about cleaning up your comments list from your website.
Bad comments is free for general use
Because there is a general need in the blogosphere for preventing malicious comments and spam, as much as possible, we’ve decided to make Bad comments free. After downloading the plugin, you can use it without a API key ( equals non power user – see api key details ) or using the free API key ( equals 0 power user ).
Specific use
For more specific use of the plugin like daily update of old posts, the ability of reading the malicious comments from the database to see what, where, when, why a user said something bad and most important to whom, you will need a more powerful api key. To get this kind of key, you will need to donate. All the donations are to support the coding team and to support the servers that are running the Bad coments database.
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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