Plugin / Pricing Table
Pricing Table is a simple and user friendly responsive pricing table with fully customizable like header,pricing column,buttons and more.pricing table allows you to create unlimited pricing tables. publish pricing table on WordPress page or post content.Easy pricing table by easy admin panel to create tables and delete any pricing table and update. use via shortcode anywhere with your wordpress site.
If you’re create a rockin’ marketing site for a subscription-based product, you’re likely in need of a pricing table.Pricing tables play an important role for every company that offers products or services.
- Fully responsive
- Create unlimited pricing tables
- Pure css pricing table
- Highlight featured pricing table
- Custom style for all pricing tables
- Invidual style for featured pricing table
- Create Unlimited Pricing Table Rows
- Sort pricing tables
- Free e-mail support
If you face any bugs kinldy mail us here for free support Free Support we will reply within 24hours.
Pro Features
- Fully responsive
- 6 pre designed templates
- 200+ icons
- Icons for each table
- Icon color
- Higlighted icon color
- Ribbon Option
- Ribbon background Color
- Ribbon Text Color
- Highlighted Ribbon Color
- Unlimited tables
- Use on unlimited domains
- lifetime support
- lifetime updates
- Free e-mail support
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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