Plugin / Related Posts by Bibblio
Use cutting-edge AI to suggest genuinely relevant posts across your site. The same Bibblio tech that runs on National Geographic, Mashable and PC Mag can power your related posts.
In a couple of clicks you can import your content and place stylish pre-designed modules throughout your pages. Page load is lightning-quick because all the processing is handled on our side, making it a fast way to increase page views, dwell time and revenue.
“After testing 4-5 of the most popular options, I can say that Bibblio is the best related posts plugin that I’ve used.”
– Colin Newcomer, WPLift
The AI constantly learns from your content, so the more posts you add, the smarter the algorithms become. You can even prioritize more recent or popular posts in your modules to appeal to different user interests. This stand-out, secure plugin is proudly recommended by WP Engine, so try it today!
“Bibblio is a superb replacement for those hacked related posts plugins.”
– Elkhound Media
Key Features
Speed – The heavy-lifting is handled on our side and the modules load after your page, so nothing slows.
Module placement – Easily drop modules at the end of your posts, in widgets, shortcodes or your page template code.
Images – Your featured image is automatically added to each module tile.
Pre-designed modules – Choose tiled or text-only modules, adding features from thousands of design combinations.
Responsiveness – Your modules scale gracefully across devices, so the mobile and tablet experience is not compromised.
By popularity – You can choose to show your site’s most popular (yet still relevant) suggestions in certain modules.
By recency – Set your modules to suggest only the most recently published content.
Custom post types – Any custom post type can be included in your related posts.
Post control – Manage how your previous or future posts are handled by the plugin.
Exclusion – Easily omit posts that you’d prefer weren’t found via the plugin.
Tracking – Add query strings to your content URLs to see what your users are clicking on.
Analytics – Monitor the number of related posts served, your click-through rates and related post storage.
Support – Our comprehensive Help Center and the Bibblio team are available to assist you.
“I was impressed with how well the plugin provided recommendations that were relevant to the article.”
– David Coleman, WP Mayor
Our free plan lets you show our module up to 25,000 times a month, which is perfect for testing or smaller sites. If you have more traffic, you can easily upgrade your plan, or get in touch first to discover how sites are achieving over 6x ROI just by running this plugin.
“Bibblio might just be the perfect plugin for you.”
– Freddy Muriuki, WPExplorer
Overview Translations
Ähnliche Beiträge von Bibblio ist ein einfacher Weg, um Umsatz und Interaktion mit Nutzern von WordPress-Seiten zu steigern, in dem es Nutzern hilft, mit dem Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) qualitativ gute Inhalte zu finden.
Nutze den Plugin, um Module mit verwandten Inhalten an beliebigen Stellen deiner Seite zu platzieren. Das Plugin benutzt KI, die denen von Netflix und Spotify ähnlich ist, was bedeutet, dass die angezeigten Empfehlungen auf deiner Seite mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit besser und relevanter sind als dies bei herkömmlichen Plugins der Fall wäre.
Wir nehmen das Caching von unserer Seite vor, so dass deine Empfehlungen schnell geliefert werden und deine Server nicht verlangsamt werden oder andere Performance-Probleme auftreten. Wähle aus mehr als 150 Kombinationen eleganter und flexibler Module dasjenige Layout, das am einfachsten und besten in deine Seiten passt und integriere es als Widget oder mit einem Shortcode.
Entradas Relacionadas por Bibblio es una forma sencilla de aumentar los ingresos y aumentar la atracción de sus visitantes a sus páginas WordPress a través de recomendaciones excepcionales que usan inteligencia artificial.
Usa el complemento (plug-in) para colocar módulos con enlaces relacionados de su sitio en cualquier lugar de sus páginas. El complemento es potenciado por el mismo tipo de inteligencia artificial que usan Netflix y Spotify que significa que las publicaciones relacionadas que se muestran en su sitio son mucho más relevantes y atractivas que los complementos convencionales.
Hacemos todo el cache-ing nosotros mismos, por lo que su contenido relacionado será rápido y no ralentizará su servidor ni causará problemas de rendimiento. Elija entre más de 150 combinaciones de diseños de módulos elegantes y flexibles que se insertan fácilmente en sus páginas con un widget o mediante un shortcode.
Articles Similaires par Bibblio est un moyen simple d’augmenter vos revenus tout en augmentant l’activité sur vos posts WordPress. Aidez vos utilisateurs à découvrir votre contenu grâce à l’intelligence artificielle!
Utilisez le plugin pour placer des modules avec des liens connexes de votre site n’importe où sur vos pages. Le plugin fonctionne avec le même type d’IA utilisé par Netflix et Spotify, ce qui signifie que les recommandations qu’il affiche sur votre site sont beaucoup plus susceptibles d’être pertinentes et attrayantes que celles des plugins conventionnels.
Nous effectuons toutes les mises en cache de notre côté, de sorte que vos recommandations seront rapides et ne ralentiront pas votre serveur ou ne causeront pas de problèmes de performance. Choisissez parmi plus de 150 combinaisons pour les agencements de modules élégants et flexibles qui s’insèrent facilement dans vos pages en tant que widget ou avec un shortcode.
Articoli Correlati di Bibblio è un modo facile di aumentare il tuo reddito e aumentare l’engagement/il coinvolgimento con i tuoi post WordPress, aiutando i tuoi lettori ad accedere a delle raccomandazioni di qualita’ grazie all’AI.
Con il plugin puoi aggiungere moduli con link correlati ovunque desideri sulla tua pagina. Il plugin funziona con lo stesso tipo di AI utilizzato da Netflix e Spotify, e ciò significa che i post correlati che vengono visualizzati da tutto il tuo sito hanno maggiori probabilità di essere pertinenti e coinvolgenti rispetto a quelli dei plugin tradizionali.
Facciamo tutto il caching noi stessi, quindi i tuoi post correlati saranno veloci e non rallenteranno il tuo server o causeranno problemi di prestazioni. Scegli tra oltre 150 combinazioni per i layout/l’impaginazione di moduli eleganti e flessibili che si inseriscono facilmente nelle tue pagine come widget o tramite shortcode.
Gerelateerde Berichten van Bibblio is een eenvoudige manier om je bezoekers gerelateerde artikelen te tonen met behulp van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI)!
Dit heeft direct positieve invloed op je omzet en bezoekersactiviteit. Gebruik de plugin om je gerelateerde berichten waar dan ook op je pagina’s te plaatsen. De plugin past een soortgelijk type AI toe dat wordt gebruikt door Netflix en Spotify. Dit betekent dat de gerelateerde artikelen relevanter en aantrekkelijker zullen zijn dan berichten die getoond worden door conventionele plugins.
Caching doen we onze kant, zodat je gerelateerde berichten snel worden weergegeven en je site snel blijft laden. Je hebt de keuze uit meer dan 150 stijlvolle, flexible lay-out opties voor je module. Je kunt deze eenvoudig als een widget of via een shortcode op je pagina plaatsen.
Posts Relacionados de Bibblio e uma forma simples de gerar receitas e criar fidelidade na sua página WordPress ajudando os seus utilizadores a encontrar o melhor conteúdo com a ajuda de I.A!
Use o plugin para gerar módulos com links relevantes no seu site para qualquer lugar das vossas páginas. O plugin utiliza a mesma I.A que a Netflix e Spotify, isto significa que as recomendações sugeridas no seu site serão mais relevantes e apresáveis que plugins convencionais.
Deste lado, ficamos encarregues do armazenamento dos dados, para que as suas recomendações continuem rápidas e não danifiquem a sua performance. Escolha entre 150 combinações para que possa criar layouts flexíveis e elegantes a medida das suas páginas utilizando widget ou um shortcode.
Rating breakdown
Details Information
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Wordpress Version
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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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