Plugin / Sendbox-Shipping




This is a woocommerce plugin that allows you ship form your store in nigeria to anywhere in the world.

Sendbox-Shipping is a woocommerce plugin created by Sendbox.

To use this plguin, you have to create an account on Sendbox and get your API key.

This pluign uses sendbox APIs and enables you ship from your store in Nigeria to anywhere in the world.

This plugin allows your woocommerce order status to automatically update from on hold, to processing then completed using the plugin webhook.

Sendbox shipping has minimum and maximum rates. You can decide to use anyone to display shipping fees to customers.

You can use any available courier to request a new shipment.

Slug name for this plugin is wooss(woocommerce sendbox shipping), so don’t be afraid when you see wooss anywhere in the plugin.

You can make profits off shipping by adding extra fees to your sendbox shipping fees.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you do not need to leave your web browser. to
do an automatic installation.
Login to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type “Sendbox-Shipping” and click Search Plugins.
Once you find this plugin install it and activate it.

Manual installation

You can manually install this plugin by downloading the from Here
Then go to your wordpress dashboard and go into the plguin directory
Click on add new plugin
Then you upload the zip file and click on install and then activate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do i need to install this plugin?

Stable internet connection. To get desired results from this plugin ensure you have good internet connection

This plugin is dependent on woocommerce. For this plugin to work, ensure to have installed woocommerce plugin on your wordpress site

How do i get my API Key

To get your key, you should go to sendbox, create an account, navigate to
settings on you sendbox dashboard, scroll and find your API Key.

How do i use the API Key?

After copying your key from sendbox dashboard, come back to your wordpress dashboard, navigate to woocommerce shipping settings,
then you click on sendbox shipping, enable it by checking the check box. Paste your API Key and then click on connect to sendbox button

Will this plugin update the order status on my site?

Sendbox shipping plugin automatically updates the order status of orders made on your site, you don’t have to change order status manually.

Be sure to set your woocommerce to auto email customers each time order status is change, your customers can know the status of their order
when it is updated.


You can find documentaiton for this plugin by
clicking Here


  1. Sendbox-Shipping settings page
  2. Request a new shippment
  3. Order status



First version.

Modified UI for shipping

Fixed the add product issue

Fixed the header issue

Arbitrary section

It is important to have a very stable internet when using this plguin to have maximum satisfaction


0 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information



First Released

26 Nov, 2017

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

3.0.1 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:

5.3 or higher




The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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