Plugin / Social Share Buttons by Supsystic
Simple social share solution includes custom buttons design and placement. Choose any social network (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkdIn etc.), button design and share bare location. Save your project and that’s it.
Simple, eye-catching social sharing plugin with great customization and tons of features prevails with:
- Over 20 Social Networks
- Fully Responsive
- Sharing Buttons in Different Locations
- Professional Templates of the Social Media Icons & Share Buttons
- Choice pages to show social share buttons
- Simple share buttons configuration and design
- Customizable design and animation effects
- Shortcode support
- Social Counters and Counter Templates
- Content lock (PRO feature)
- Different Buttons Placement Option
- Content Lock
- Example of the social buttons different placement options
- Intergration with Photo Gallery, PopUp, Slider and Google Maps by Supsystic
Increase Numbers of Social Sharing
With our Social Share Button Solution you will increase your social popularity and will be able to take social sharing on a next level. It will promote the increase of social activity on your site. Social Share by Supsystic is very easy and fast way to let your visitors share your content to social networks, helping you to multiply your website social traffic.
Fully Responsive and Easy to Use
Social Share buttons by Supsystic are fully responsive and look nice on different devices and themes. With simple configuration of our plugin you don’t need any programming skills to create your own design of share buttons – you can easily set the template, size, animation and position.
Over 20 Social Networks
Social Share plugin supports many different popular social networks – LinkdIn, Twitter, Google+, Vkontakte, Pinterest, Digg, Reddit, Facebook and many others! You can add the numbers of social networks and create excellent sharing toolbar, which will help your visitors to choose the most suitable network for them.
Different Placement Options of Social Share Buttons
Social Share by Supsystic provides you the ability to choose where to show share buttons – on different sides of the page, at any place of page or post content. They can be placed even in a popup window using our awesome Popup plugin! Using our plugin you can create Facebook share button widget with share buttons and show the sharing toolbar at theme’s widgets areas. Also you can use shortcode and show buttons where you want. With this options of Social Share buttons, you have much more chances to attract a wide variety of your website visitors.
When to Show Option
Plugin allows you to choose the various time options for showing social buttons (like Facebook share button) – when page load or when user clicks on it. Besides you can specify share buttons on the pages or posts in any place you wish it to be shown – from standard to a very specific pages/posts. Also it allows you to hide social buttons on mobile devices. Social Buttons by Supsystic allures users to share the right content аt the right moments, and keeps them engaged on your website.
Customizable Design and Amazing Effects
Social Share solution offers you wonderful collection of multiple design buttons options and different animation effects. You can easily customize special Facebook share buttons design – choose buttons size, add button spacing, enable displaying of social share counter, select button and icon animation.
Translations [Social Share Buttons by Supsystic]( “Social Share by Supsystic”) in Your Language
You have an incredible opportunity to get PRO version of the social sharing plugin for free. Just make translation of the Social Share Buttons plugin by Supsystic!
Contact Us if you translate the plugin. Available Translations:
- English
- Dutch
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Portuguese (Portugal)
- Russian
How to Create Social Share Buttons in WordPress
Step 1: Creating Responsive Social Share Buttons
- On the left navigation menu click “Add new project”.
- Enter the title of project and click “Create”.
Step2: Customizing of Social Share by Supsystic
Here you can set all the options of Social Share plugin. Simply navigate the corresponding section of properties – Networks to show, Facebook Buttons Design, Animation, Where to show, When to show. Important! After changing the settings of plugin don’t forget to click “Save” button.
Also with Social Share plugin you can clone the project – on the top of the page with settings of the project click “Clone” button. It will create copy of the project and redirect you to it settings.
Besides you have the ability to view the statistic of the project – on the top of the page with settings click “Statistic” button. Here you can monitor
- pie chart of network total shares
- total shares for last 30 days
- most popular pages for last 30 days
Now more details about sections of properties –
Networks to show
- Click “Add Networks” social button (for example Facebook social button)
- Choose networks, with which you want to create social buttons. You can select any numbers of social networks. Also here you can choose “Like” button for your site.
- Click “Select” button.
Social Buttons Design
This section allows you:
- Choose buttons template (Facebook social share button) – you have the ability to choose one of 4 templates.
- Add social button spacing.
- Set social buttons size – smallest, small, normal, big, biggest.
- Enable display of counters for social buttons. Besides you can use short numbers for counter and select from where exactly to show numbers of counter – the all projects, the entire project or from the each page.
Share Buttons Animation
Here you have the opportunity:
- Select the effect for animation of social (Facebook, Twitter, etc) buttons
- Select the effect for animation of icons inside the sharing buttons
- See the preview of animation effects
Where to show social buttons
With Social Share Buttons by Supsystic you will be able to choose where to show social share toolbar –
- At the Sidebar of the page – top, bottom,left, right.
- At the posts or pages content – above content, below content or above + below content.
- At the popup window – you need to install Popup by Supsystic plugin to use this feature.
- At the theme’s widgets areas – create a widget of your project at Appearance -> Widgets.
- Use shortcode – insert the project shortcode and show buttons where you want.
When to show
Here you can set when to show social share buttons:
- Show on next pages –
- Show social buttons everywhere
- Choose the specific pages or posts to show social buttons
- Hide share buttons on mobile devices
- When to show –
- When page load
- When user click on page
Our plugins
- Photo Gallery by Supsystic
- Pricing Table by Supsystic
- Contact Form by Supsystic
- Data Tables Generator by Supsystic
- Slider by Supsystic
- Coming Soon by Supsystic
- PopUp by Supsystic
- Digital Publications by Supsystic
- Backup by Supsystic
- Membership by Supsystic
- Newsletter by Supsystic
- Live Chat by Supsystic
- Google Maps Easy
- Translate by Supsystic
Rating breakdown
Details Information
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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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