Plugin / SOUP – Show off Upcoming Posts
Dave ClementsDescription
Like this plugin? Consider leaving a quick review or writing about how you’ve used it on your site – send me a link to that write up if you do.
This plugin is maintained on GitHub, so feel free to use the repository for reporting issues, submitting feature requests and submitting pull requests.
SOUP creates a widget in your sidebar which allows you to display your upcoming posts (scheduled, drafts, or both) to your readers. The idea is to entice your readers to come back and read the article once it gets published, or better yet, subscribe to your RSS feed and/or newsletter.
Here are the configurable options for the widget:
- Title of sidebar widget
- Number of upcoming posts to display (always in ascending order – newest first)
- Choose whether to show date of upcoming post
- Display order of the posts (next post first or random order)
- Message to display for when there are no scheduled posts or drafts
- Show/hide newsletter link
- Include link to sign up to newsletter
I’ve got plans to continue developing and updating this plugin. If you have any suggestions on revisions that you’d like to see made, please get in touch or find me on Twitter.
I also run Do It With WordPress, which has an array of tutorials for managing, modifying and maintaining your WordPress sites, as well as The WP Butler, a service for keeping your site maintained, backed up, updated and secure.
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Details Information
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Wordpress Version
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