Plugin / StatPressCN




This plugin shows you real time statistics about your blog, track your friends’s visit, provide function such as post’s hotness, hottest post, related post, visitor’s list at current time, also support for Chinese perfectly. It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers, OS etc. If own a wordpress blog, you can use it freely, nothing else needed. Having fun!

Help in Chinese——中文写的帮助和常见问题回复.

Thanks to Gianni Diurno for the Italian locale language support, and fatcow for Russian locale language, and reza sh for Persian, and Rene for Dutch.


  1. Overview: Show the visitor, pageviews, spider, feed, of time for toatal, last month, this month, yesterday, toady; Last hits, Last search terms, Last referrer, Last feed, Last spider.

  2. Details: Show you the top post be viewed, top search term, top days ,etc; You can view the data of this last 30 days or the total.

  3. Spy: Show you who is visit your blog now!

  4. Friends: Show recently visitors who have comment on or loggin your blog, and the feedback they have written and which post they have visited.

  5. Mobiler: Detail stat info who has reach your blog through mobile device(such as iPhone, Palm Pre, etc)

  6. 404: List the pages don’t exsit, which can help you iditified the evil visit, or you really miss the page or pic

  7. Search: There you can search the stats data.

  8. Export: Export the stats data to your PC for other use.

  9. BanIP DIY: You can add the ip which you don’t want to be collected by yourself.

  10. DefIP DIY: You can name the ip that you know who is behind.

  11. Spider DIY: You can add spider rules by yourself.

  12. Option: There you can set more extended function.

13.Update: Upgrade your program and the dababase. You should run once after you upgrade the program.

  1. Support: Some useful info.

Below for Chinese blogger



  1. 纵览: Show the visitor, pageviews, spider, feed, of time for toatal, last month, this month, yesterday, toady; Last hits, Last search terms, Last referrer, Last feed, Last spider.

  2. 详情: Show you the top post be viewed, top search term, top days ,etc; You can view the data of this last 30 days or the total.

  3. 探测: Show you who is visit your blog now!

  4. 朋友:显示最近来访的朋友(留言者或注册用户)什么时候说了什么,看了什么

  5. 移动:通过移动设备(如智能手机、3G手机等可上网移动设备)访问的情况统计

  6. 404:未能找到页面的访问,可能是黑客类恶意访问,也可能是您的blog架构出现了问题

  7. 搜索: There you can search the stats data.

  8. 导出: Export the stats data to your PC for other use.

  9. 恶意IP自助编辑:可以把你不想记录的ip(比如您自己的固定ip)或者明显是恶意的ip手工添加到规则中去

  10. IP命名自定义:可以给某些您能确定背后是谁的ip命个名,这样即使他不登陆,您也可以知道他是谁了

  11. 爬虫规则自定义:

  12. 选项:很高多级功能的设定

  13. 系统升级: Upgrade your program and the dababase. You should run once after you upgrade the program.

  14. 支持: Some useful info.

Arbitrary section

This plugin is from statpress, which is not update long times ago. Thanks to GPL, also the author of StatPress.


0 reviews

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Details Information



First Released

10 Dec, 2015

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

2.3.0 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:





The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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