Plugin / Syndication Links

David Shanske



It supports adding rel-syndication/u-syndication links to your posts, pages, and comments, indicating where a syndicated copy is. You can do this manually and some plugins support
automatically adding their links as well. The plugin contains a generic UI for syndicating to other sites through your site or a Micropub Client.

Privacy and Data Storage Information

This plugin stores syndication links, which can be attached to any post, page, or comment. They can be added to custom post types by filter.

For webmention initiated comments, this information
will be added by parsing the source of the webmention. It is assumed if you send a webmention, you consent to share this information if it is publicly shared on your page. Our recommendation
is that site owners should take down information on request.

For comments initiated on the site, there is built-in way to add these links. For posts, they are typically added by retrieving information stored by other plugins for display. It is assumed
that by installing this plugin, as its intent is to display these links, that you wish to display them.


Settings for the Syndication Links plugin can be found in the main WordPress “Settings” tab in the
admin dashboard, or if the Indieweb plugin is installed, under the Indieweb tab. The options provided allow for various ways of presenting the syndication links in posts. Syndication Links by default will add links to the content. You can remove this in your plugin if you wish to call the display function directly.

The settings include the following options as follows with either a set of buttons, a check box (with a check indicating that the feature is “on”) or an optional text field:

  • Display Text – Offers options to display text only, icons only, icons and text, and no display(hidden icons).
  • Size – Choice of small, medium, or large size icons.
  • Black Icons – Checking the box defaults to a “black” social media icon set.
  • Show on Front Page, Archive Page, and Search Results – If checked the icons will show on pages other than a single view. If not checked, the icons will be hidden by the links will remain.
  • Show on Feed – If checked the icons will show in your RSS feed as well
  • Text Before Links – This is the text that appears before the Display Text/Icons (as indicated above). The default text is “Syndicated to:” but can be modified if desired.

Note: The particular CSS of your theme may change the display and output of the text and some of the icons.

Supported POSSE plugins and implementations

The plugin supports automatically pulling data from plugins that syndicate your content so you don’t need to do it manually. For anything not built in, integation is easy with a simple filter for potential use with any other plugin.

Using the optional Syndication feature(disabled by default) you can syndicate your posts to:

  • Bridgy – Bridgy is a service that allows you to post to various sites. Signup is required. It currently supports Twitter, Github, and Flickr
  • Bridgy Fed – Bridgy Fed is a service that allows you to interact with federated social networks using webmentions.
  • Custom Webmention Syndication – Add any site that supports publishing by sending a webmention by configuring it in the settings page

Will be looking to integrate with other plugins to add more options and invite developers to add support if they wish as the interface is simple.
The goal of the interface is not only can you syndicate via Micropub, but in the editor using a simple checkbox.


In no particular order…

  1. The Indieweb community of users and all users of this plugin
  2. Meitar Moscovitz for fixes and code contributions related to support of the plugin in his various plugins.
  3. Justin Tadlock for the initial Social Icons design.
  4. Jihaisse and Peter Molnar for the SNAP, courtesy of WordPress Syndication
  5. Simple-Icons for their icon packs for logos. Simple Icons is licensed under CC0 v1.0 Universal.
  6. Genericons Neue for their generic icon packs. Genericons Neue is licensed under the GPLv2.
  7. Chris Aldrich for many suggestions on improving the display and for screenshots.
  8. PHPCS is used with the WordPress and PHP Compatibility Standards in order to ensure compatibility with supported versions of PHP and enact WordPress Coding Standards.
  9. Travis-CI is used to actively test against various PHP versions


4 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information



First Released

26 Apr, 2009

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

4.9 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:

5.4 or higher




The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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