Plugin / Better Revisions
Revisions are a main part of every content management system.
Normal wordpress revisions only containing the title, content and excerpt. And WordPress by itself will only add a new revision, when one (or more) of these three fields were changed. This means, if someone only changes the permalink for example, then WordPress doesn’t add any revision. And if someone changes the content and maybe the author, then WordPress adds a revision, but only with the old content – the author change will be lost.
For small blogs this will be ok, but what’s about multi-author websites or blogs?
I wrote this small plugin for you – for a better revision management in multi-author blogs and sites, for better monitoring the changes of every site, post or custom-post-type and finally for better restoring older revisions.
So, this plugin adds following fields to the revision system:
- The Author
- Post Date
- Permalink
- Post Status
- Post Password
- Comment Status
- Ping Status
- Post/Page Parent
- Menu Order
- more to come
This Plugin also adds a new revision, if only one of the fields above were changed. And it works with automated post/page saves (to the server) too. But I have disabled the client side autosave – becaus on multi-author blogs/sites these function makes no sense and confuses authors more than it helps. But the autosave to the server works perfectly well with all of the fields above added.
If you want to restore a revision, the fields above will restored too. And in case of deleting a post/page, than all revision with all fields above will be deleted too – for a smaller and cleaner database.
No further configuration is needed, the plugin doesn’t add any database tables rather saves additional revision data to post-meta and works with custom-post-types too. It’s translation ready and allready translated into german.
Gutenberg support was added
Now it works with the new Block-Editoe (Gutenberg) and the old Classic-Editor (tinyMCE).
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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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