Plugin / Woocommerce Category and Products Accordion Panel
ikhodal teamDescription
Category and Products Accordion Panel is the best plugin for the Home and Sup-Pages that will enhance the shopping experience and view the products more categorized with accordion panel for woocommerce in wordpress.
Customer can search and view the products according to categories accordion pane. This plugin supports unlimited widgets for the sidebar. It supports fully responsive layout with four different styles.
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Free Version Features
- Load the products using Ajax as per category panel selection.
- Provides responsive grid layout and customizable template.
- Provides four clean and modern different styles.
- Supports unlimited widget for content area and sidebar of the page for the same or any pages.
- Load next products using ajax ‘load more’ paging from category selection.
- Text and background color selection for the widget heading, product price, category tab, product title.
- Allows to select number of categories from admin panel for accordion panel configuration.
Premium Version Features
- Load the products using ajax as per category accordion panel selection.
- Custom settings available to hide or show product title, created date, animation over image, product image, pagination, product short content and read more link.
- There are three types of ajax based pagination available like load more posts, next previous posts and simple numeric pagination.
- Dynamic admin settings to change maximum width and height of images.
- Allows to short/order ascending or descending categories accordion by custom categories IDs or title.
- Allows to short/order ascending or descending posts/custom posts in accordion by post id and title.
- Provides responsive grid layout and customizable 10+ responsive templates.
- 40+ beautiful mouse-hover animation effects.
- Allows to change space between product items in pixels.
- Hide/show product author image and name.
- Supports unlimited shortcode and widget for sidebar and content area on the same or any page.
- Allows to select number of categories from admin panel for accordion panel configuration.
- Text and background color selection for the widget heading, product price, category tab, product title.
- Supports option for “All” label accordion pane to load all category’s product.
- Can enable/disable product count.
- Show/Hide empty category that has no product.
- Short by or Order by category name option.
- Exclude certain category from accordion panel that you do not want to display on fronted view.
- Settings for open a category by default.
- Enable/Disable RTL Support.
Support Details
- We do support for all the plugins and extensions, but please understand that support for premium plugins takes priority. Click here to create support ticket
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