Plugin / ACF Media Credit
Don GainesDescription
This plugin uses the Repeater field of Advanced Custom Fields to add options for a Credit and Credit Link on each item in your Media Library. Currently this will only correlate and display for IMAGES on the front end. This does not support credits for .pdf files, .swf files, .doc files, etc.
Requires either Advanced Custom Fields Pro or the free version of ACF with the Repeater Field add-on.
I suggest using ACF Pro with this plugin.
ACF Fields are exported as a json file (for ACF Pro) in the ‘acf_exports’ directory of this plugin.
ACF Pro allows you to import that json file if for some reason you’re having trouble getting the fields to load.
If you’re a developer there are functions available to you (see:
In the ‘/inc/’ directory the fields have been exported as PHP to work w/ ACF Pro or ACF free
There are a handful of functions available for your use and there is more explanation given to them at The functions available:
the_post_thumbnail_media_credit(); //does not require an attachment id
the_media_credit_html($attachment_id); //returns
the_media_credit($attachment_id); //echos the_media_credit_html();
the_plain_media_credit($attachment_id); //outputs the most basic markup
print_r(get_media_credit($attachment_id)); //helpful for debugging
For images with a caption I’m filtering the caption shortcode, please do the same if you need to make a change: add_filter( 'img_caption_shortcode', 'your_function_name', 10, 3 );
Added filters:
add_filter(‘acf_media_credit_base_output’, ‘your_function_name’); //your_function_name($image_credit)
add_filter(‘acf_media_credit_div_class’, ‘your_function_name’); //your_function_name($media_credit_div_class)
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