Plugin / Add Custom Fields to Media
Christopher RossDescription
** this plugin is no longer being update. Please feel free to adopt me! **
Allows users to add custom fields to the media uploader and access those fields in template files. Great for adding copyrights etc.
Includes the following functions to help improve your website:
thisismyurl_get_custom_media_field( $attachment_id, $unique_field_id )
– Fetches the valuethisismyurl_has_custom_media_field( $attachment_id, $unique_field_id )
– Returns boolean valuethisismyurl_custom_media_field( $attachment_id, $unique_field_id )
– Displays the value
To use this plugin effectively, download and intall it on your WordPress blog. Next, access the settings page (Settings > Add Custom Fields to Media) and create a new custom field for your media uploads.
- Unique ID – The unique variable name for this item. It may not contain special characaters or spaces
- Field Title – The name you want to appear in the media uploader
- Field Help – A descriptive message you want to appear in the media uploader
Once you’ve added a custom field, you can access it via the Media menu in WordPress or during the Add Media process of uploading a new item.
To display the information on your website, please use thisismyurl_custom_media_field( $attachment_id, $unique_field_id )
If you would like to load the contents into a variable, please use thisismyurl_get_custom_media_field( $attachment_id, $unique_field_id )
To check if a variable exists, use thisismyurl_has_custom_media_field( $attachment_id, $unique_field_id )
In all cases the $unique_field_id is the Unique ID you specified when creating the field.
The $attachment_id is the ID of the attachment itself (not the post that you’re working with).
Updates to the plugin will be posted to
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Details Information
First Released
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Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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