Plugin / WordPress Follow Buttons Plugin – AddThis

The AddThis Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, AddThis is free for all users!
No, you do not need to create an account in order to control a limited number of AddThis sharing tools from within WordPress. In order to use more AddThis tools and see your site’s analytics you will need to create an account with AddThis. It requires an email address and name, but that’s it.
All AddThis website tools require JavaScript. JavaScript must be enabled. We load the actual interface via JavaScript at run-time, which allows us to upgrade the core functionality of the menu itself automatically everywhere whenever a new social sharing services comes out.
Ease of use. AddThis is easy to install, customize and localize. We’ve worked hard to make a suite of simple and beautiful website tools on the internet. Performance. The AddThis menu code is tiny and fast. We constantly optimize its behavior and design to make sharing a snap. Peace of mind. AddThis gathers the best services on the internet so you don’t have to, and backs them up with industrial strength analytics, code caching, active tech support and a thriving developer community. Flexibility. AddThis can be customized via API, and served securely via SSL. You can roll your own sharing toolbars with our toolbox. Share just about anything, anywhere ­­ your way. Global reach. AddThis sends content to 200+ sharing services 60+ languages, to over 2 billion unique users in countries all over the world. GDPR compliant – All of our website tools are GDPR compliant.
This plugin requires PHP 5.2.4 or greater and is tested on the following versions of PHP: 5.2.4 5.2.17 5.3.29 5.4.45 5.5.38 5.6.31 7.0.22 7.1.8
Over 15,000,000 sites have installed AddThis. With over 2 billion unique users, AddThis is helping share content all over the world, in more than sixty languages.
In the screen options you can enable the AddThis meta box. Check the box and save if you’ve already published that page or post to disable AddThis on that page or post.
Yes! There are lots of filters in this plugin. Filters allow developers to hook into this plugin’s functionality in upgrade-safe ways to define very specific behavior by writing their own PHP code snippets. Developer documentation on our filters is available. This documentation lists all the filters for our plugins. This plugin does not include filters for follow tools or related post tools.
Yes! There are widgets available for all AddThis inline tools (the ones that don’t float on the page). Developer documentation on our widgets is also available. This documentation lists all the widgets for our plugins. This plugin does not include widgets for follow tools or related post tools.
Yes! There are lots of shortcodes in this plugin. There are shortcodes are available for all AddThis inline tools (the ones that don’t float on the page). See our documentation on our shortcodes. This documentation lists all the shortcodes for our plugins. This plugin does not include shortcodes for share tools or related post tools.


34 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information



First Released

25 Jun, 2012

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

3.0 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:





The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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