Plugin / Ads Benedict
Gary KovarChangelog
- Fixed a slow query related to the expiration post_meta.
- Increased quantity of ads to include in array.
- Fixed formula for ad conversion calculations.
- Forgot to make the ajax run for non-logged in users in previous release.
- Ads can be loaded via ajax which defeats full page caching.
- Speed and logic improvements in ad performance generation
- Fixed main shortcode return so PHP notice is not raised
- Fixed enqueued script with harcoded protocol
- Fixed error where YOURLS was passed an empty string
- Added short term caching to prevent slow loading due to long running query on sites with lots of posts
- Added expiration date.
- For already existing ads, this will not impact display.
- New ads will default to an expiration one year from date of creation.
- Added column to show expiration date.
- Use yourls API to display statistics.
- Check to see if yourls shortener is in use before adding display column of stats.
- Fixed YOURLS error is trying to use an already shortened link (please don’t do that)
- Styled a shortened link so it’s responsive. Hardcoded for now.
- Added YOURLS integration
- With YOURLS integration clicks and impressions are captures
= 0.1
* This is the version I’m using on my sites.
* Removed most (all?) self-deprecating comments.
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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