Plugin / Advanced RSS
Stephen IngramDescription
This plugin creates a new RSS widget. You can use this to replace the built in
RSS widget or along side it. It is substantially more powerful than the built in
widget in that you have complete control over how the feed is displayed via XSL
templates. The plugin also includes an admin page for creating, editing and
deleting the xsl templates, along with running tests to ensure your environment
supports the required features. Additionally some plugin-wide options may be
Included Templates
- Blog
- Default – Mimics the built in RSS widget’s apperance.
- – List your recent Delicious bookmarks.
- Flickr Thumbnails – Thumbnail list from your photostream.
- DeviantArt – Thumbnail list of deviations from your gallery, with different
display options. - Google Groups – List recent posts to a group, with different display options.
- Twitter – Posts with users, hashtags and URLs linked. Formatting option for
time and date display.
Server Requirments
- PHP 5.2 +
- DOM extention
- XSL extentions
If you don’t know what you have then activate the plugin. Once activated if
there are any problems they will be reported below the plugin on your plugins
page. Report these issues to your hosting provider and they should be able to
fix them – if not maybe you should consider getting a better host.
This plugin is demanding of your server. If your server isn’t up to date or well
configured the plugin may not function. But don’t worry the plugin will make
some tests and let you know exactly what needs to fixed, if anything.
You can only use this plugin with valid RSS or ATOM feeds.
The plugin comes with a few example XSL templates to get you started. You may
not even need to edit or create your own depending on what feeds you want to
syndicate. XSL is not the easiest thing, however once once you understand the
basics its fairly strait forward.
The included XSL templates demonstrate various XSLT methods, such as conditional
statemenets, variable use, XPath expressions and namespace access. I strongly
encourage you to analyse the included templates when learning xslt.
Rating breakdown
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