Plugin / allows you to create a wholesome consent-based advertising ecosystem for your audience
Description is the ultimate advertising plugin for creating an enjoyable and profitable advertising ecosystem, serving adz to your audience in a healthy way, generating advertising revenue from freelines, and requiring advertising views in exchange for access to content. Facilitate the dawning of a true Age of Accordance for humanity, where all agreements are made in the spirit of enjoyable mutual consent. Join us and help us become the most wholesome advertising community in the world. lets you easily run adz on your published web content with layover popups, thru pages, or directly within your pages and posts. allows your website visitors to select their adz preferences, so that you can earn from purchases they make while surfing your site.
Run your website like a TV station
Set “within page” adz to come up every 7 minutes and relax. Especially if you prepare your audience and let them know that they will be served adz that offer related products, there to help and not disturb their surfing experience, well then you’re on the road to having a healthy consent-based advertising ecosystem! Good for you!
Customize the appearance of your adz
you can make your own adz or serve adz from external ad networks, so the adz themselves can be styled any way you want. Your template header and footer can be customized so that you always have the perfect message for your audience!
Features available in include:
- make sure adz never show on these pages
- adz rotation name
- show adz on selected pages or posts, within selected categories, or where selected tags are present
- show adz in sequence or randomize. currently random always serves all selected adz
- select which adz to serve by highlighting their titles
- number of seconds to serve adz, number of seconds to allow access to content
- loop adz infinite yes/no
- duplicate adz rotation
- trash adz rotation
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
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Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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