Plugin / AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area Shortcodes
AffiliateWP, LLCDescription
This plugin requires AffiliateWP in order to function.
Once activated, this plugin provides a shortcode for each tab of the affiliate area:
Show the default affiliate dashboard notices
Show the affiliate a log out link
[affiliate_referrals status=”paid”]
Show the affiliate’s paid referral count
[affiliate_referrals status=”unpaid”]
Show the affiliate’s unpaid referral count
[affiliate_earnings status=”paid”]
Show the affiliate’s paid earnings
[affiliate_earnings status=”unpaid”]
Show the affiliate’s unpaid earnings
Show an affiliate’s campaign stats
Show an affiliate’s name, as set by the “Display name” field in their WordPress profile
[affiliate_name first_name_only=”yes”]
Only show an affiliate’s first name, as set by the “First Name” field in their WordPress profile
Show an affiliate’s username
Show an affiliate’s website URL
Show an affiliate’s ID
Show the affiliate’s visit count
Show the affiliate’s conversion rate
Show the affiliate’s commission rate
Although the tabs in the affiliate area can be easily removed or reordered using the dashboard.php template file, some customers prefer the use of shortcodes.
With the above shortcodes you’ll be able to:
- Create an Affiliate Area and stack them in any order on one page.
- Put each shortcode on a separate page, essentially creating your own page structure.
- Have more control over which areas the affiliates see, without having to modify the template files.
Just remember to set your Affiliate Area page in Affiliates → Settings to be your login page or your affiliates will have nowhere to log in from via emails etc.
What is AffiliateWP?
AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress e-commerce and membership platforms. It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use.
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