Plugin / AMP HTML Sitemap
Nick van de VeerdonkDescription
An HTML sitemap is a list of names and links of your pages and posts in the front end of your website. It can be useful for users to get a good overview of the content you’re presenting. For bots it is equally useful since the internal links send them to the farest corners of your website, which could help indexation greatly.
Strictly taken AMP does not need a sitemap (HTML or XML) if the content is marked up correctly: engines know where AMP content is by this piece of code present in your regular pages:
<link rel="amphtml" href="">
That being said there could be several reasons to use an AMP HTML Sitemap:
You want your AMP content to be indexed faster and more regulary. In case you don’t have much traffic, external links or good internal linking structure indexation could take a while. An HTML sitemap will improve your internal links and if you add the URL of the sitemap to your current XML sitemap plugin, search engines will gain information on the AMP content by automatic submission of your XML sitemap. (see ‘Addditonal tips’ under installation tab)
You have ‘stand alone’ AMP content. Seen as there are no links pointing to content that is only reachable by AMP (because they miss the link from the regular page and naturally don’t occur in menus) it can take a long time for them to be indexed.
You have an HTML sitemap for regular content and simply wish to add your AMP content to it
And in that case, this lightweight plugin is for you.
This plugin will not be supported, I will however try to answer all question in the comment section of the plugin website and create a FAQ.
Matt Cutts on HTML and XML sitemaps
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Wordpress Version
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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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