Plugin / Archivist – Custom Archive Templates

Eric Teubert



Quick Start

The plugin assumes your articles are well categorized.
To display the archive, use the shortcode anywhere in a page or article.

[archivist category="kitten"]
[archivist tag="kitten"]

Replace “kitten” with your category/tag. Watch out, we need the slug here.
That’s the name without capital letters and spaces.


You can specify a custom template to display the archive elements.
Go to Settings > Archivist for plugin preferences.
Use HTML and any of the following template placeholders.

  • %TITLE% – The post title.
  • %PERMALINK% – The post permalink.
  • %AUTHOR% – The post author.
  • %CATEGORIES% – The post categories as unordered list.
  • %CATEGORIES|...% – The post categories with a custom separator. Example: %CATEGORIES|, %
  • %TAGS% – The post tags with default separator.
  • %TAGS|...% – The post tags with a custom separator. Example: %TAGS|, %
  • %EXCERPT% – The post excerpt.
  • %POST_META|...% – Any post meta. Example: %POST_META|duration%.
  • %POST_META|...|...% – Any post meta list, separated by custom HTML. Example: %POST_META|guest|<br>%
  • %DATE% – The post date with default format.
  • %DATE|...% – The post date with custom format. Example: %DATE|Y/m/d%
  • %POST_THUMBNAIL|...x...% – The post thumbnail with certain dimensions. Example: %POST_THUMBNAIL|75x75%
  • %COMMENTS% – The post comment count.
  • %ACF|field_name% – Display ACF field. Uses the get_field() function.

You can add your own placeholders:

add_filter( 'archivist_template_render', function( $template, $post ) {
    // modify $template
    return $template;
}, 10, 2 );


If you have many entries, you may prefer to paginate. The archivist comes with asynchronous pagination built-in. Use the pagination parameter in the shortcode to activate it. Its value is the amount of items you want to display per page.

[archivist category="kitten" pagination="10"]

Pagination controls are displayed both on top and at the bottom of the archive. You can customize this by setting controls to top or bottom.

[archivist category="kitten" pagination="10" controls="top"]

Filter by Query

Are you feeling bold? Is filtering by category or archive not satisfying you? Read on, I’ve got a challenge for you.
WordPress uses a certain query syntax to define the so called loop which is used to display the archive.
You can find the complete documentation at
and you can take advantage of every single parameter or combination of parameters listed there. Some examples:

[archivist query="year=1984&author_name=gorwell"]

Lists all entries from the year 1984 by the author with user_nicename gorwell.

[archivist query="tag=straw+mask&post_status=private&orderby=comment_count&order=DESC"]

Lists all entries marked with post status private which are tagged with both straw and mask, ordered by the amount of comments in a descending order.

Using multiple Templates

When you install the plugin, there is just one templated called “default”.
If you don’t specify a specific template in the shortcode, this one will be used.
Therefore the following two shortcodes yield identical results.

[archivist category="kitten"]
[archivist category="kitten" template="default"]

You can add as many templates as you like. Think twice before deleting one. If it’s still in use, the archive can’t be displayed.


10 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information



First Released

14 Sep, 2011

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

3.0 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:





The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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