Plugin / Asgaros Forum

Thomas Belser

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you are using some third-party plugin for caching (WP Super Cache for example) and disable caching for the forum-page, everything should work fine again.
By default only files of the following filetype can be uploaded: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, pdf. You can modify the allowed filetypes inside the forum administration.
You can ban users or ad moderators via the user edit screen in the WordPress administration interface.
You can extend the shortcodes with different parameters to show specific content only. For example: [forum post="POSTID"], [forum topic="TOPICID"], [forum forum="FORUMID"], [forum category="CATEGORYID"] or [forum category="CATEGORYID1,CATEGORYID2"].
To extend your forum with a captcha you have to use one of the available third-party captcha-plugins for WordPress and extend your themes functions.php file with the checking-logic via the available hooks and filters by your own. For example you can use the plugin Really Simple CAPTCHA and extend your themes functions.php file with this code:
You can help to translate Asgaros Forum on this site: Please only use this site and dont send me your own .po/.mo files because it is hard to maintain if I get multiple translation-files for a language.
You can approve translations by yourself if you are a Project Translation Editor (PTE). Please contact me in the forums if you are a native speaker and want to become a PTE.
You can add own themes for your forum in the /wp-content/themes-asgarosforum directory (for example: /wp-content/themes-asgarosforum/my-theme). All themes in the /wp-content/themes-asgarosforum can be activated in the forum options. Each theme must have the following files: style.css, widgets.css and editor.css.
You can find a list of available hooks and filters on this site:


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