Plugin / Auto AnimateImage
Latest Version
- NEW: “File Path (Blank Image)” option in “Common Options”
- Blank image was specified with
that is not supported by IE7 or earlier. That is why the plugin usesimages/blank.gif
as default blank image. You can upload arbitrary image with Media Uploader.
- Blank image was specified with
- NEW: “Stretch Blank Image to the Size of Last Image” option in “Common Options”
- UPDATED: AnimateImage v1.1.3
- NEW: “Styles (Animated Images / Blank Image)” meta box in Settings screen. Animation styles can be customized via Settings screen.
- Background Color
- Margin
- Padding
- Border (Width / Style / Color)
- Border Radius
- Opacity
- Box Shadow
- Width / Height
- Max Width / Max Height
- Min Width / Min Height
- NEW: “Common Options” meta box in Settings screen. AnimateImage common options can be customized via Settings screen.
- Animation Delay
- Delay between Animation Cycles
- Repeat Count
- Rewind at the End of Animation
- Pause at First Image
- Pause at Last Image
- Show Blank Image between Animation Cycles
- Output img Elements when Using JavaScript Code
- Class Name (Animated Images)
- Class Name (Blank Image)
- NEW: Auto AnimateImage Settings screen
- General – AnimateImage Script – Header / Footer
- About (links to plugin site, rating, support forum, localization, donation and contact form)
- NEW: Localization support
- NEW: Compatibility with obsolete WordPress 2.7
- UPDATED: Added Japanese (ja) translation
- Initial release with AnimateImage v1.1.1
Rating breakdown
Details Information
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