Plugin / Autoptimize
Frank Goossens (futtta)Changelog
- Images: Also optimize & lazyload <picture><source>
- Images: Misc. improvements to lazyload
- Images: Updated to LazySizes 5.0.0
- CSS: improvements to the deferring logic for non-aggregated CSS resources.
- Settings-page: Show “JS, CSS & HTML” advanced options by default (many people did not see the button)
- moved image optimization to a separate tab and move all code to a separate file.
- added lazyloading (using lazysizes)
- added webp support (requires image optimization and lazyloading to be active)
- added option to enable/ disable the minification of excluded JS/ CSS files (on by default)
- misc. bugfixes and smaller improvements
- bugfix: safer way of removing extra cronjobs
- improved Google Fonts optimzation, praise to @nextendweb (of Smartslider3 fame)!
- improved deferring of non-aggregated CSS when “inline & defer” is active
- bugfix: extra ao_cachechecker scheduled jobs & improve scheduling logic
- bugfix: some extra checks on vars to avoid PHP notices
- misc. improvements to image optimization logic
- update PAnD framework to latest version to fix issues with notices not staying dismissed
- patched JS minifying component to not break template literals as reported by Alex Kozack
- bugfix for Google fonts subset concatenation by Rocco Aliberti, thanks!
- bugfix not to remove querystrings if that option is not on in “Extra”, kudo’s to Diego Versiani for pointing out the inconsistency
- tested and confirmed working with WordPress 5.0 (beta 5)
- bugfix for CSS minifier throwing a HTTP 500 error when a
is missing. - bugfix for slowness when iconv was used for multibyte string replacements (ditched iconv).
- bugfix for occasional issues with broken/ missing strings due to mbstring (also for multibyte string replacement) weirdness.
- bugfix for wrong sizes in image optimization.
- bugfix for Google Font subset getting lost in optimization.
- refactored significantly (no more “classlesses”, all is OO), classes are autoloaded, tests added (travis-ci) by zytzagoo who deserves praise for his hard work!
- new: image optimization (see “Extra”-tab) using Shortpixel’s smart image optimization proxy
- new: you can now disable JS/ CSS-files being aggregated, having them minified individually instead
- new: Google Fonts can now be “aggregated & preloaded”, this uses CSS which is loaded non render-blocking
- new: Autoptimize “listens” to page caches being cleared, upon which it purges it’s own cache as well. Support depends on known action hooks firing by the page cache, supported by Hyper Cache, WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, KeyCDN Cache Enabler, Swift, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache and Comet Cache.
- new: local JS/ CSS-files that are excluded from optimization are minified by default (can be overridden by filter)
- improvement: updated minifiers (with very significant improvements for YUI CSS compressor PHP port)
- improvement: “remove all Google Fonts” is now more careful (avoiding removing entire CSS blocks)
- misc. under the hood improvements (e.g. more robust cache clearing, better support for multibyte character sets, improved CDN rewrite logic, avoid PHP warnings when writing files to cache, …)
- bugfix: is_plugin_active causing errors in some cases as reported by @iluminancia and @lozula
- bugfix: added language domain to 4 __/_e functions, un grand merci à Guillaume Blet!
- improvement: updated to latest version of Filamentgroup’s loadCSS
- improvement: by default exclude
from CSS optimization (Divi, Avada & possibly others store page-specific CSS there) - bugfix: stop double try/catch-blocks
- misc. bugfixes (see GitHub commit log)
- heads-up: this is (supposed to be) the last minor release of the 2.3 branch, 2.4 is a major change with some big under-the-hood and functional changes
- workaround for stale options-data in external object cache such as Redis, Memcached (core bug) resulting in Autoptimize continuously executing the upgrade-procedure including clearing the cache and trying to preload it with HTTP-requests with “cachebuster” in the query string, thanks to Haroon Q. Raja and Tomas Trkulja for their great assistance!
- fixes for “undefined index” notices on Extra settings page
- now removing respective dns-prefetch resource hints when “remove emojis” or when Google Fonts are optimized or removed.
- changed JS code to load webfont.js deferred instead of asynced to make sure the js-file or fonts are not consider render blocking.
- fix for issue with update-code in some circumstances, thanks to Rajendra Zore to report & help fix!
- new: optimize Google fonts with “combine & link” and “combine and load async” (with webload.js), intelligently preconnecting to Google’s domains to limit performance impact even further
- new: Async JS, can be applied to local or 3rd party JS (if local it will be auto-excluded from autoptimization)
- new: support to tell browsers to preconnect (= dns lookup + tcp/ip connection + ssl negotiation) to 3rd party domains (depends on browser support, works in Chrome & Firefox)
- new: remove WordPress’ core’s emoji CSS & JS
- new: remove (version parameter from) Querystring
- new: support to clear cache through WP CLI thanks to junaidbhura
- lots of bugfixes and small improvements done by some seriously smart people via GitHub (thanks all!!), including a fix for AO 2.2 which saw the HTML minifier go PacMan on spaces in some circumstances.
- roll-back to previous battle-tested version of the CSS minifier
- tweaks to Autoptimize toolbar menu (visual + timeout of “delete cache” AJAX call)
- readme update
- fix for images being referenced in CSS not all being translated to correct path, leading to 404’s as reported by Jeff Inho
- fix for “[] operator not supported for strings” error in PHP7.1 as reported by
- fix for security hash busting AO’s cache in some cases (esp. in 2.1.1)
- new: Autoptimize minifies first (caching the individual snippets) and aggregrates the minified snippets, resulting in huge performance improvements for uncached JS/ CSS.
- new: option to enable/ disable AO for logged in users (on by default)
- new: option to enable/ disable AO on WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads or WP eCommerce cart/ checkout page (on by default)
- improvement: switched to rel=preload + Filamentgroup’s loadCSS for CSS deferring
- improvement: switched to YUI CSS minifier PHP-port 2.8.4-p10 (so not to the 3.x branch yet)
- improvements to the logic of which JS/ CSS can be optimized (getPath function) increasing reliability of the aggregation process
- security: made placeholder replacement less naive to protect against XSS and LFI vulnerability as reported by Matthew Barry and fixed with great help from Matthew and Tomas Trkulja. Thanks guys!!
- API: Lots of extra filters, making AO (even) more flexible.
- Lots of bugfixes and smaller improvements (see GitHub commit log)
- tested and confirmed working in WordPress 4.8
- fix for security hash busting AO’s cache in some cases (esp. in 2.1.1)
- identical to 2.1.0 except for the security fix backported from 2.2.0
- identical to 2.1.0 except for the security fix backported from 2.2.0
- new: Autoptimize now appears in admin-toolbar with an easy view on cache size and the possibility to purge the cache (pass
filter to disable), a big thanks to Pablo Custo for his hard work on this nice feature! - new: An extra “More Optimization”-tab is shown (can be hidden with ´autoptimize_filter_show_partner_tabs´-filter) with information about related optimization tools- and services.
- new: If cache size becomes too big, a mail will be sent to the site admin (pass
filter to disable or pass alternative email to theautoptimize_filter_cachecheck_mailto
filter to change email-address) - new: power-users can enable Autoptimize to pre-gzip the autoptimized files by passing
, kudo’s to (Draikin)[] for this! - improvement: admin GUI updated (again; thanks Pablo!) with some responsiveness added in the mix (not showing the right hand column on smaller screen-sizes)
- improvement: settings-screen now accepts protocol-relative URL for CDN base URL
- improvement: new (smarter) defaults for JS (don’t force in head + exclude jquery.js) and CSS optimization (include inline CSS)
- Misc. bugfixes & small improvements (see commit-log on GitHub)
- Minimal version updated from 2.7 (!) to 4.0
- Tested and confirmed working on WordPress 4.6
- bugfix: disallow moving non-aggregated JS by default (can be re-enabled by passing false to the
) - bugfix: hook autoptimize_action_cachepurged into init to avoid ugly error-message for ZenCache (Comet Cache) users
- bugfix to allow for Autoptimize to work with PHP 5.2 (although you really should upgrade)
- Improvement: Autoptimize now also tries to purge WP Engine cache when AO’s cache is cleared
- Improvement: for AMP pages (which are pretty optimized anyway) Autoptimize will not optimize to avoid issues with e.g. “inline & defer” and with AO adding attributes to link-tags that are not allowed in the subset of HTML that AMP is
- Improvement: refactored the page cache purging mechanism (removing duplicate code, now nicely hooking into AO’s own
action) - Improvement: Re-enable functionality to move non-aggregated JS if “also aggregate inline JS” is active (can be disabled with
filter) - Improvement: script tags with
attribute will be excluded from optimization - Bugfix: Better support for renamed wp-content directories
- Bugfix: Multiple fixes for late-injected CSS/ JS (changes in those files were not always picked up, fonts or background images were not being CDN’ed, …)
- Misc. other fixes & improvements, go read the commit-log on GitHub if you’re that curious
- Tested & confirmed working with WordPress 4.5 (beta 3)
- On average 30% faster minification (more info in this blogpost)!
- New: Option to (de-)activate aggregation of inline JS and CSS.
- New: Option to remove Google Fonts.
- New: Cache-size will be checked daily and a notice will be shown on wp-admin if cache size goes over 512 MB (can be changed by filter).
- New: Small autoptimized CSS (less then 256 characters, can be changed by filter) will be inlined instead of linked.
- New in API: filters to declare a JS and CSS whitelist, where only files in that whitelist are autoptimized and all others are left untouched.
- New in API: filters to declare removable CSS and JS, upon which Autoptimize will simply delete that code (emoji CSS/JS for example, if you prefer not to dequeue them).
- New in API: filter to move fonts to CDN as well.
- lots of small and bigger bugfixes, I won’t bother you with a full list but have a look at the commmit log on GitHub.
- tested and confirmed working with PHP7
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
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