Plugin / BAN Users
WEBxMedia LTD. (Matt Whiteman)Description
WP Plugin for truly banning users!
The BAN Users WordPress Plugin has been developed to enable administrators to quickly BAN (aka disable, suspend…) users from logging into their WordPress user account, as well as the option to change the status of all their posts. For instance setting them to draft to hide them from public viewing. A user can be BANed from the admin users table or via their profile. There are several configurable options that allow the administrator to control how the BAN will be implemented such as redirecting them to a custom holding page, or sending them a custom email notification. Once BANned they will be unable to login until an administrator reinstates their account.
Recent Reviews
- The best plugin I’ve ever used for banning accounts!
- At last I found plugin that truly bans…
- OUTSTANDING plugin / support / developer
Plugin Features & Options
- Quickly ban a user for a day, week, month or forever!
- Send WARNING emails to users, including custom messages.
- Scramble banned users’ password
- Change banned users’ role
- Set spammer status for banned users
- Disable password reset for banned users
- Automatically change user’s Posts status (i.e. to pending) when BANned.
- Table listing banned users, with search feature and quick links
- Enhanced security to restrict Ban User privilage access
- Flat icons as alternatives to text based links
- Modal popup for sending custom messages, with textarea instead of text field
- Supports Ultimate Member Plugin
- Force logout when user BANned.
- Set custom logout URL when BANned.
- Set message to display when a BANned user attempts to login.
- If already logged in, display message to user when BANned.
- Send custom email notification to user when banned/unbanned.
- Capture unique reason for banning each user.
- Set duration of BAN using date picker.
- BANned users highlighted in users table with icon/coloured background row.
- Users table shows reason user banned.
- Users table shows date user banned.
- Users table shows date user reinstated.
- Support for Accessibility / Screen Readers.
- Support for BuddyPress
- Support for CPT (Custom Post Types)
- Plugin Shortcodes
- Template values / custom default messages
Premium Plugin Features:
- Capture users’ IP/Geodata during login
- Display IP/Geodata in users table
- BAN users by date and TIME!
- Send notifications to specified email addresses when user publishes first post
- Prevent users with banned email address from registering
- Prevent users with banned email address from logging in
- Prevent users with banned ip address from registering
- Prevent users with banned ip address from logging in
- Easily manage add/remove/search banned email/ip addresses
- Include custom CSS/JS in header/footer
- SPAM prevention
- Account security – notification for logins when accessed from a new IP
How is it Useful?
There are multiple reasons why an administrator of a WordPress website may need to block users. One of the most popular reasons is the security of the site. Indeed, most blogs face security issues. Once your site is online and growing in popularity, it can become the target of individuals whose only goal is to destroy your work and to discredit your blog. The BAN Users Plugin enables administrators to deny access to unwanted individuals, and inform those users of the actions taken against them.
- You want to ban malicious users from logging in.
- You want to ban users who have breached terms of use or another policy.
- You want to temporarily control access to admin.
- You want to restrict a registered user from making any changes during development.
- You have a client/user who has an unpaid invoice.
- Ideal solution for moderators who monitor wordpress forums/posts.
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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