Plugin / bbPress forum utility pack
Always active functions
- Added “bbpress user” (bbp_user) to user role. (same capabilities as subscriber)
- Ajax form template with Login / Signup / Lost password.
- Record login date and time of bbpress user.
- bbpress user forbids access to Admin’s Dashboard and Profile edit page.
- Display link to forum root on Admin bar menu.
- Create anonymous user for replacing posting data of unsubscribe user.
- Load Japanese font designation CSS to TinyMCE editor used for posting.
Option functions
- Auto role of bbpress user. (Used in place of “Auto role” setting of bbpress plugins. Set the forum role only to bbpress user)
- Login from wp-login page of bbpress user is redirected to forums root page.
- If it contains “code” tag to the post, replacing it with “pre” tag
- If the post does not contain Japanese treats as spam.
- Spam posts containing images that are larger than the set number.
- Spam posts containing embedded (YouTube / Twitter / Flickr etc) more than the set number.
- To Widget of Recent Topics and Recent Replies. Mark up the author in div tag, and easy to read Japanese display.
- Delete account that has never been used within the specified number of days after new registration.
- Delete account that has not been recently logged in. (User posted data is replaced with anonymous)
- Forum unsubscribe function. (Place the link for the “unsubscribe” in the forum of the user profile page. However, forum role is only to Participant or Spectator of bbpress user.)
- The usage that this plugin is supposed to use is Forum operation with member registration system using bbPress.
- Many features of this plugin depend on the newly created “bbp_user” role.
- Registered automatically by “bbp_user” role by user registration using bbPress short code “bbp-register”.
- To use it in multi-site, please enable it with “Network Plugins”. If you activate it with “Site Specific Plugins”, some functions will not work.
If you introduce this plug-in to an existing forum later, you must manually change the user role from “Subscriber” to “bbpress user”. Please note that it is only for the “Subscriber” user to change, so please do not mistake it.
For details, please see the link page below. (Because it is a document in Japanese, please use Google translation etc. when you want to refer in your native language)
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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