Plugin / bbPress Digest
Milan DinićChangelog
- Released on 15th December 2013
- Mapped bbPress Digest settings capability. Fixed missing settings in new bbPress version.
- Removed profile settings made for core from bbPress user edit page. Fixed double profile settings on bbPress user edit page.
- Improved profile settings saving. Fixed issue where forums wouldn’t be unselected if all forums or unsubsciption is chosen later.
- Fixed notice received for forum list selector.
- Improved documentation for forum list functions.
- Replaced one-click Javascript handler with new one based on new bbPress code. Fixed handler that didn’t work.
- Added noscript one-click handler.
- Improved sending of email so that it sends only when there are topics.
- Moved sending of emails to separate method to allow better customization.
- Moved uninstall function to uninstall.php for better performance.
- Released on 11th August 2012
- Introduced optional weekly digest.
- Introduced optional one-click subscription from forums pages.
- Added settings for introduced features.
- Moved event to a class to be able to handle both periods.
- Moved to getting IDs instead of whole data when querying active topics for better performance.
- Improved profile fields behavior.
- Improved documentation.
- Added partial Italian translation (thanks Davide Vecchini).
- Released on 29th February 2012
- Initial release
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Details Information
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Wordpress Version
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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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