Google Analytics dashboard in real time mode.
Google Analytics dashboard showing page views by normalized categories for the last month.
Google Analytics dashboard showing organic search traffic by country for the last 3 months.
Google Analytics dashboard showing sessions by date for the last 3 months.
Google Analytics dashboard showing the publication year of posts being viewed by users coming in through organic search for the last month.
Google Analytics dashboard showing page views by normalized tags for the last month.
One of over 2,000 metric/segment combinations for Google Analytics weekly heat maps (showing all sessions for the last 4 weeks).
Stacked area percent charts of your Google Analytics data allow you to see historical changes (browser usage for the last 10 years shows the rise of Chrome and the fall of Internet Explorer).
Better Google Analytics event report shows things like external links being clicked, YouTube video engagement, comments being created, etc. You are able to correlate that data against any other metrics from your Google Analytics account. For example maybe you wanted to see what countries users are in that watch YouTube videos.
Better Google Analytics issue monitoring report alerts to you client-side issues with your site. Things like invalid pages being accessed (404), JavaScript errors, images not loading, embedded YouTube videos that the author removed, etc.
An automated system that is able to check your Google Analytics account and helps you configure your Google Analytics web property settings properly is included.
A built-in auto-configure mode takes the hassle out of setting up your Google Analytics account for all tracking options.
Better Google Analytics includes an optional front-end widget that shows popular pages/posts being viewed right now (data comes from Google Analytics Real Time API).
Better Google Analytics includes an optional front-end widget that allows you to display your Google Analytics stats based on any metric you wish.
Better Google Analytics has a full-blown goal management system that allows you to create and edit all the goals on your Google Analytics profile.
You have the ability to edit/create your Google Analytics Goals from within the WordPress admin area. Includes advanced Google Analytics Goal functions such as funnels.
Better Google Analytics includes a fully integrated system for managing Google Analytics Content Experiments (split or A/B testing).
A Google Analytics Content Experiment showing CSS variations where the site owner is looking for the variation that yields the most page views.
A Google Analytics Content Experiment setup to utilize different WordPress themes to determine which variation results in the most AdSense ads being clicked.
Google Analytics Content Experiments can be used to run variations of the title of any individual post/page.
Better Google Analytics General settings allows you to enable/disable all sorts of tracking features in your Google Analytics account.
Google Google Analytics custom dimension tracking allows you to track categories, authors, tags, publication year, user roles and registered users.
Social button engagement allows you to track things like Likes/Unlikes/Tweets/Shares right within your Google Analytics account.
Track clicks on the ads on your site within your Google Analytics account.
Issue monitoring settings allow you to utilize your Google Analytics account to keep on top of client-side issues with your site.
Advanced settings allow you to fine tune how the system works with Google Analytics.