Plugin / BibleGet I/O
John Romano D'OrazioDescription
Creates a shortcode [bibleget] that you can use to insert Bible quotes in articles or pages from different versions of the Bible in different languages.
The text of the Bible quotes are retrieved from the BibleGet service endpoint
USAGE: [bibleget query=”Exodus 19:5-6,8;20:1-17″ version=”CEI2008″]
USAGE: [bibleget query=”Matthew 1:1-10,12-15″ versions=”NVBSE,NABRE”]
It is also possible to place the desired Bible verse quote in the contents of the shortcode, like so:
USAGE: [bibleget version=”NABRE”]John 3:16;1 John 4,7-8[/bibleget]
The Plugin also has a settings page “BibleGet I/O” under the “Settings” area in the Dashboard,
where you can choose your preferred Bible versions from those available on the BibleGet server
so that you don’t have to use the “version” or “versions” option every time.
After you have made your choices in the settings area, remember to click on “Save”!
Once the preferred version is set you can simply use:
USAGE: [bibleget query=“1 Cor 13”]
The style settings are customizable using the WordPress Customizer,
so that the injected Bible quotes may fit into the style of your own blog / WordPress website.
SERBIAN TRANSLATION: Ogi Djuraskovic [email protected] WEBSITE: firstsiteguide
POLISH TRANSLATION: Ula Gnatowska [email protected] WEBSITE: comunità delle beatitudini
GREEK TRANSLATION: anonymous user contribution
BibleGet Project Website
BibleGet Project Facebook Page
BibleGet Project Google+ Page
BibleGet Twitter Profile
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