Plugin / blogsiread
blogsiread is a highly customisable widget inspired by Blogger’s “Blogs I Read” function that takes excerpts from other blogs (via Links) and displays them in a small widget on your blog.
- Change widget title
- Automatically selects blogs from “Links” based on “Categories”
- Optional – Show Site Title (either from link name or meta tags)
- Optional – Show Post Title
- Optional – Show Post Excerpt (250 characters max, plain text)
- Optional – Order listing by “as ordered in Links page”, Post Published Date, Link Name, Site Title, Post Title. All can be additionally sorted in descending or ascending order.
- Clicking on entries can open in a new window or in the same window
- You can customise your widget by adding a css class.
- More customisable layout
- Limit total entries and more importantly, before loading their xml-s
- Complete or co-operative ajax to reduce server load and more importantly, page loading times
- Make the category selector look pretty
- Allow customisable Post Excerpt character limit
- Do that cool thing where the widget title in the admin page is “blogsiread: “
For those who are using a custom CSS Class, structure of widget content is as follows (some lines may not be displayed at all depending on widget options – see #):
<p class=”yourCustomClassName”>
# <a rel=”sitetitle”….</a> OR if site url is blank: <span rel=”sitetitle”……</span>
# <a rel=”posttitle”….</a> OR if post url is blank: <span rel=”posttitle”……</span>
# <span rel=”desc”>…CONTENT…</span>
<span rel=”timeago”>…TIME…</span>
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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