Plugin / Blugz – Google Buzz stream importer
Andrea OlivatoDescription
Blugz for WordPress is a standalone, highly optimized Google™ Buzz™ stream importer for Wordress.
Using Blugz you can easily import your Buzz posts into a single category of your blog, automatically adding comments, images and links exactly as they show up on buzz.
Key Features
- Import your whole buzz stream into your wordpress blog
- Auto-update new posts everytime someone visit your website (you can set up a minimum delay)
- Shows comments in real time
- Shows images, links and rich media exactly as shown in buzz
- Geolocation Integration >new<
- Choose user to assign imported posts to
- Shows likes in real time >new<
Why would you need to import your buzz stream into a Blog?
- You can be indicized better on google, using sitemaps, advanced seo tools etc
- You can personalize it adding themes or changing the whole layout
- You can monetize your stream adding advertising to your posts
- You can enrich your blog adding a live flux of posts to your current articles
Future Development
Please fill out your suggestion in the dedicated thread
- Multiple account support
- Direct link to images in the image attachments
- Video support
- Get images at first import
- Direct comments write support
Rating breakdown
Details Information
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