Plugin / BuddyForms Remote
A Toggle is the most advanced and user friendly why of writing.
It is used by many help services to give users a quick access to support and get in contact.
It’s used by many famous mail providers like Google Inbox to write mails.
And it’s a super comfortable way to encounter your user to write.
On the main site or on any site – the Toggle embed works everywhere with just one line of code. It’s super easy to use 😉
You can use the Toggle out of the box. Just enable “Remote Forms” in the “Form Builder” and generate your embed code. Use it everywhere.
Use the endpoints generated for the Toggle for any other integration like Facebook or any site where you are able to use iFrames.
If remote is enabled you will have two new endpoint views for the form and your post listings.
The Endpoints
- View the logged in users posts
- View the form to create or edit posts
How it Works
If you generate the embed code you actually generate one line of JS
This line of JS does all the magic. It loads all needed code and generates the Toggle without any further step needed from your site.
Just embed the embed code where ever you need it and you are done.
If you use the endpoints in iframes, a special template is called without header and footer. Just your form is delivered. This makes it possible to use your form or post lists without loading your complete Theme.
Short Video Showcase the Plugin!
This is the BuddyForms Remote extension. You need the BuddyForms plugin installed for the plugin to work. Get BuddyForms now!
Documentation & Support
Extensive Documentation and Support
All code is neat, clean and well documented (inline as well as in the documentation).
The BuddyForms documentation with many how-to’s is following now!
If you still get stuck somewhere, our support gets you back on the right track.
You can find all help buttons in your BuddyForms Settings Panel in your WP Dashboard!
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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