Plugin / Bulma Shortcodes
Joshua BartlettDescription
This plugin adds a collection of WordPress shortcodes for Bulma components as well as a simple TinyMCE dropdown to add them.
The easiest way to add shortcodes is through the Bulma dropdown in the WordPress editor. Alternatively, you can manually type out the shortcodes.
Columns are used to create a responsive grid:
Your content...
Your content...
The [bulma-column]
shortcode accepts a type argument:
[bulma-column type="is-8"][/bulma-column]
Due to limitations within the WordPress shortcode system, nesting identical shortcodes will break. To work around this, there are additional shortcodes you can use that will also produce columns:
// Will break
// Will Work
You can nest up to five levels deep with this system (column, column-1, column-2, column-3, column-4).
Creates the tag <a href="#" class="button">Your Content</a>
Accepts three arguments:
– Accepts class names – defaults to ‘is-primary’link
– Accepts strings – defaults to ‘#’icon
– Accepts valid font-awesome icon names
Ex: [bulma-button type="is-primary" link="" icon="github"]Star on GitHub[/bulma-button]
Creates the tag <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-<icon name>></i></span>"
Accepts two arguments:
– Accepts class names – defaults to ‘is-primary’icon
– Accepts valid font-awesome icon names
Adds a Bulma box element.
Accepts one argument, type. Defaults to NOT full-width box as this element in WordPress is mostly helpful for adding emphasis to an item like a photo. If type is set to full-width, it’ll behave like a normal Bulma box.
// NOT full-width
[bulma-box]Your content...[/bulma-box]
// Full-width
[bulma-box type="full-width"]Your Content...[/bulma-box]
Adds a Bulma notification element.
Accepts one argument, type.
Ex: [bulma-notification type="is-primary"]Alert[/bulma-notification]
Creates a Bulma Card element. This shortcode has several child codes:
None of the shortcodes accept arguments.
[bulma-card-footer] can be given multiple footer items:
// Will generate:
<footer class="card-footer">
<div class="card-footer-item">
<div class="card-footer-item">
<div class="card-footer-item">
Creates a Bulma menu.
[bulma-menu-list]<a href="#">Item1</a>|<a href="#">Item2</a>[/bulma-menu-list]
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Details Information
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