Plugin / Elementor Page Builder


It’s about time for a live page builder, with no limits of design. A page builder that delivers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen on WordPress.

It’s time for Elementor Page Builder.

Faster. Much faster.

Instant reaction was a key feature we wanted to achieve. And we did. Instant drag & drop page builder, instant live edit, instant page load. The speed of Elementor is not matched by any other page builder, free or paid. This makes the interface fun and easy to work with, as well as reduces the time it takes to design.

Live design. Truly live.

Never again work on the backend and guess what the frontend will look like. With Elementor page builder, you edit the page and simultaneously see exactly how it looks like. Elementor features live design & inline editing, so the whole process of writing and designing is done directly on the page, with no need to press update or go to preview mode. It also works perfectly with or without Gutenberg.

Surprises you won’t see anywhere else.

With Elementor’s unique features, you can create websites that have that certain ‘designer touch’. Among our page builder features are: Box Shadows, Background Overlays, Hover Effects, Headline Effects, Animations, Shape Dividers, Gradient Backgrounds and much more.

Pre-Designed Templates & Blocks

Choose from 100+ of beautiful full page WordPress templates and customize them to make them your own. You can also build your page by choosing from 300+ Blocks.

Blocks are pre-designed section templates that can be easily combined into any page. Blocks include a variety of categories: services, testimonials, call to action and more. Save and reuse Elementor templates on different pages, or export them to a different website with a click.

Mobile First. Mobile Editing.

Elementor Page Builder comes with an exclusive toolset, that lets you create truly a responsive website in a whole new and visual way. From different font size, padding and margin per device, to reverse column ordering, this is the most powerful mobile page builder for creating perfect responsive websites.

Undo / Redo & Revision History.

Our page builder includes undo and redo for any action you make. Click on Ctrl / Cmd + Z, or browse through the complete list of actions. Want to go back ever further? Switch to Revisions to view a complete list of all earlier saved versions of the page.

Canvas. A Blank Page Template for Landing Pages.

Design your entire page in the page builder. No header, no footer, just Elementor. This is perfect for landing pages and coming soon pages. Canvas works on any theme, and lets you get rid of the header area so you get a blank template to work on.

Built-in Maintenance Mode & Under Construction.

Need to get your site offline for maintenance? Use Elementor page builder’s built in Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon feature to show your visitors an under construction / coming soon page.

Try Elementor Pro. The Best page Builder for WordPress.

Elementor Pro vastly improves your design workflow and lets you design faster and better than ever. With Elementor Pro, everything is done visually and without code.

Making changes to your theme shouldn’t be so hard. Endless coding, dealing with developers, switching themes. The Theme Builder in Elementor Pro turns the entire process of creating WordPress websites 100% visual including your site’s header, footer, single post and archive page design.

There are many other features to help you build better websites:

  • Visual and intuitive form builder
  • Marketing automation and CRM integrations
  • Custom fonts
  • Role manager
  • Blog post layout widget
  • Image & video sliders
  • WooCommerce
  • Global widgets
  • Custom CSS
  • Animated headlines
  • And much more.

Join the elite web professionals who enjoy Elementor Pro!

30 free widgets and counting

We packed 30 of the most useful widgets into our page builder. True, that’s way more than we had to offer, but we wanted to spare no widget from you, so you can reach the top of your design capabilities.

  • Heading. Add eye-catching headlines.
  • Image. Control the size, opacity and other settings of images.
  • Text Editor. A WYSIWYG text editor, just like the WordPress editor.
  • Video. Add YouTube \ Vimeo to your page.
  • Button. Controlling every aspect of the button design.
  • Image Box. A box that includes image, headline and text.
  • Testimonials. Customer testimonials that show social proof.
  • Icon. Place one or more of 600+ icons available.
  • Icon Box. Works the same as the image box, only with icons.
  • Social Icons. Icons to your social pages like Facebook / Twitter.
  • Image Gallery. Displays your images in an aligned grid.
  • Image Carousel. A rotating carousel or slider of chosen images.
  • Icon List. A bullet list with any chosen icon and text.
  • Counter. Show stats and numbers in an escalating manner.
  • Progress Bar. Include an escalating progress bar.
  • Tabs. Vertical or horizontal tabs that display different pieces of content.
  • Accordion. A collapsable display of content.
  • Toggle. Like Accordion, for FAQ pages.
  • Star Rating. Add some social proof with a styled star rating.
  • Alert. A colored alert box to draw the attention of the visitor.
  • HTML. Insert code into the page.
  • Shortcode. Easily insert shortcodes from any plugin into the page.
  • Menu Anchor. Link any menu to this anchor.
  • Read More. Set the Read More cut-off for the excerpt in archive pages.
  • Sidebar. Add any sidebar into the page.
  • Google Maps. Embed maps into the page.
  • SoundCloud. Add audio bits from SoundCloud.
  • Divider. A line that divides different elements in the page.
  • Spacer. A space that divides the various elements.
  • Columns. Create inner columns within the column.
  • And counting…

Multilingual & RTL supported.

We’ve integrated RTL and multi language support within the framework of our page builder, so you get a translated panel out of the box, as well as RTL typography support, and developer options to add even more languages.

Developer API.

Elementor page builder is free and open source. It’s the perfect page builder plugin to be extended and integrated further. It was created and developed with the developer in mind, and we have already seen some truly remarkable addons already developed.
To help you get started and learn just how to integrate with Elementor, we have created the Official Elementor Developer Resources and the Code Reference.


Be a contributor

If you want to contribute, go to our Elementor GitHub Repository and see where you can help.

You can also add a new language via We’ve built a short guide explaining how to translate and localize the plugin.

Documentation and Support

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