Plugin / Genesis Featured Image Header

Scott DeLuzio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If your custom post type is called “Books”, you can navigate to the Books > Featured Image page on the admin menu. Once there, you can use the upload button to upload a new image or select an existing image from your site’s Media Library.
Simply follow the steps above, but instead of clicking the upload image button simply delete the URL in the text box and click save changes.
Yes, however you can only set one image for all WooCommerce pages (store, product category pages, and product tag pages). This is done by navigating to Products > Featured Image in your admin section. The cart and checkout pages are regular WordPress pages, and can have different images from the rest of the store if you want.
First, make sure the checkbox above on the plugin’s settings page (Genesis > Featured Images) is checked and that you clicked Save Changes. Then on the page edit screen, simply click the Set Featured Image link. If you do not see this option, click Screen Options at the top of the page and check the box next to Featured Image. If you do not want to have a featured image on a certain page, simply do not add one and nothing will show up.
If you already have a featured image but this plugin is making it show up in another location, simply uncheck the box above and your pages will no longer use this plugin’s settings. You can still continue to use the plugin for custom post type archives.
No. This plugin is designed to allow you to set a different image for each page and custom post type archive. If you want the same image for each page, you can still use this plugin. Simply use the same image for each page. If you have too many pages to set manually, you may want to look into adding the image another way.
The locations in the dropdown menu above are more or less in a top to bottom order (some locations are next to each other). If you are working on a site that is not live, you could simply try out the different locations to see where they will show up on your site. There are also some great guides available that will help you identify where these locations are on your site. One is the StudioPress Hook Reference guide (for StudioPress customers only). Another reference is the Visual Hook Guide from Genesis Tutorials. This tutorial helps you visualize where the image will show up. If you want to see the same visualization on your own site, check out the Genesis Visual Hook Guide Plugin.
You can filter the array of locations in the plugin’s settings with the gfih_location_options filter to add your location. You would need to merge your location in as an array with the key being the action name, and the value being the human readable format. `add_filter( 'gfih_location_options', 'my_custom_function' ); function my_custom_function( $genesis_actions ){ $my_location = array( ‘my_custom_action’ => ‘My custom action name’ ); return array_merge( $genesis_actions, $my_location ); } `
This will depend on a few factors. Each theme may have slightly larger or smaller widths or heights for each location where your image will show up. This answer will vary based on each different Genesis child theme. Also, each location that you can choose from to insert your image has different dimensions. So not only will the answer vary based on the theme you are using, it will also vary depending on the location where you are inserting the image. The plugin will insert the full size image that you upload (no cropping is done). If you want exact dimensions, check out the Genesis Visual Hook Guide Plugin (see link above). When viewing the page use the Action Hooks option then right click the area you want to get the width for and click “Inspect Element”. In many browsers this will pop up the dimensions of the area you are looking at.
This plugin is set to show an image on the following post types: custom post type archive pages, regular WordPress pages, regular WordPress posts, and WooCommerce shop pages. Some plugins may use different templates or methods for calling their pages so this plugin may not work on all pages. For example, we had to add special support for WooCommerce pages – without this support the plugin wouldn’t be able to insert an image on WooCommerce pages. Please let us know of any pages that are not working correctly in the plugin support forum.


2 reviews

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First Released

02 Oct, 2015

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

3.5 or higher

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The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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