Plugin / Genesis Featured Page Advanced
Nick DiegoChangelog
1.9.7 – 2019/6/19
- Fixed conflict with Genesis 3.0 which caused the widget not to register (Thanks katebrianna!)
1.9.6 – 2018/9/3
- Added has-post-thumnail class to widgets featuring custom images/links to maintain aesthetic similarities with the original Genesis Featured Page widget on some StudioPress themes (Thanks msusans!)
1.9.5 – 2017/10/20
- Fixed bug where the link title was displaying incorrectly when using a Custom Page Link (Thanks womed!)
1.9.4 – 2017/10/20
- Fixed bug where widgets would disappear when switching between Genesis and non-Genesis themes (Thanks neilgee!)
1.9.3 – 2016/10/7
- Fixed conflict with Page Builder by Site Origin (Thanks minnert!)
- Fixed bug with page title (Thanks canaveralstudio!)
- Improved a11y support
- Added filter to page title headings
- Added the option for a Custom Page Title
- Added new plugin banner and logo
- Improved translation capabilities – Special thanks to Hans for guidance
- Fixed more-link bug when using page content
- Added support for shortcodes in the custom content option
- Added option to set the target and rel attributes on all links – per user request
- Fixed issue were a custom linked widget would occasionally not display properly
- Fixed image sizing bug when there is no image link
- Added option to insert More Text on new line (wrapped in a div) – per user request
- Added support for adjusting the size of custom images – per user request
- Added internal support for centering images – per user request
- Added support for alt tags on custom images
- Added automatic deactivation of plugin if user switch to non-Genesis theme
- Added ability to add HTML markup to custom content box – per user request
- Add option to link to Custom Link rather than just a Page
- Added option to move Widget Title below image
- Added option to move Page Title above image
- Fixed issue with widget Admin CSS not working in Customizer
- Internationalized the plugin
- Added security features
- Cleaned up code
- Updated Featured Image sizing options
- Fixed user reported error
- Fixed user reported error
- Added option to remove page link from the image
- Reworked the plugin deactivation hook
- Cleaned up code
- Fixed error generated by anonymous function
- Added option to show page excerpt
- Added option to remove link from Page Title
- Added option to add link to Widget Title
- Cleaned up code
- Cleaned up code
- Initial Release
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
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