Plugin / Former Genesis Toolbar Extras – abandoned –> Migrate to: Toolbar Extras
David Decker - DECKERWEBDescription
The old “Genesis Toolbar Extras” is NOW: Toolbar Extras — more general Toolbar Admin Bar plugin for WordPress
The old one is abandoned, the new one is better than ever – and executes my original vision in the way I always wanted it, yeah!
The New Plugin Has These Benefits:
- Full Genesis Framework support out of the box
- Integration with dozens of Genesis Child Themes, including from StudioPress, Mai Themes, SEO Themes, and Genesis Customizer
- Integration with Genesis plugin ecosystem – lofts of plugins from third-party vendors, community and StudioPress
- Up-to-date technology
- Updated for 2019
- Settings page – finally!
- Way better user experience!
- For Site Builders, Non-Coder Designers and Non-Techies!
If you do want to migrate to “Toolbar Extras” (the new one) you can do so and dismiss the admin notification.
BUT: There WILL NOT be any updates to this old plugin here – use at your own risk.
The recommended way is to migrate to the new plugin, as it has only benefits and advantages over the old one.
Thanks in advance!
Enjoy using Genesis Toolbar Extras? Please consider making a small donation to support the project’s continued development.
🔆 My Other Plugins
- Toolbar Extras for Elementor – WordPress Admin Bar Enhanced
- Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder – Add-On plugin
- Polylang Connect for Elementor – Language Switcher & Template Tweaks
- Simple Download Manager for WP Document Revisions
- Genesis What’s New Info
- Genesis Layout Extras
- Genesis Widgetized Not Found & 404
- Genesis Extra Settings Transporter
- Genesis Widgetized Footer
- Genesis Widgetized Archive
- Multisite Toolbar Additions
- Cleaner Plugin Installer
- My plugins newsletter
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.
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