Plugin / WP Google Map
WP Google Map is an awesome plugin to use when adding a custom Google map to your website. It is fully customizable and can be used as shortcode.
!!Important Notice for All!!
After July 16, 2018, Google has changed its policy. You need to add billing information to use Google Map. If you see a warning message on Map-like “This page can’t load Google Maps correctly“, please have a look on google developers documentation. Even if you face a problem, please send a message in the mail: [email protected] or Skype: milon305021
To have continued the update, please donate for the plugin.
Click here to donate
Features of WP Google Map Plugin-Lite version(FREE):
- User-friendly
- Importing the shortcode by Embed Google Map Button upon Editor
- Fully Customizable
- It is the most popular Google Maps plugin on WordPress
- Automatic Google Map location identification
- Tested with other popular plugins
- Super easy to use
- Ability to change zoom level(1-15)
- Easy to add a widget (By Shortcode)
- No coding required!
- Drag map markers to an exact location
- Ability to use a shortcode in the post and Single page
- Fully responsive maps
- Supported UTF-8 font encoding
- Google Map autocomplete available
- **Multiple Language supported(Localization)
- Can be used in the single page, single post, sidebar, footer, etc.
- You can set any width and width as you need
- It is most helpful for WordPress website to embed google map
Features of WP Google Map Plugin-Lite version(PREMIUM):
- Direction Support with Map.
- Ability to change Latitude, Longitude, Address by Dragging Marker
- **Roadmap, Terrain, Satellite and Hybrid types of map supported
- Supports Google Map Streetview option
- You can add multiple maps in any page or post if you need!
- Map full screen functionality
- Ability to create Map and Marker as much as you need!
[gmap-embed id="<Your map ID>"]
<?php echo do_shortcode('[gmap-embed id="YOUR MAP ID"]');?>
The plugin requires an API key., click here to get your free API key. The API key may take up to 5 minutes to take effect.
Contact me if you have any problems with installation or anything else.
Email: [email protected]
Skype: milon305021
If you have a problem or a suggestion, please post in Support Forum.
Rating breakdown
Details Information
First Released
Total Downloads
Wordpress Version
Tested up to:
Require PHP Version:
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