Plugin / Go Fetch Jobs (for WP Job Manager)

Bruno Carreço

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some sites don’t provide full job descriptions on their RSS feeds. This is usually intended to have users still visit the original site to read the full description.
Logos are not available in all RSS feeds and unfortunately, RSS feeds that provide them are still the exception.
Since some of the logos pulled from RSS feeds are from images stored on CDN’s they cannot be stored as native WordPress featured images in the media library. This means that if your theme does not use the default WPJM the_company_logo() function to display jobs on the frontend these logos will not be displayed. You’ll need some custom changes to be able to do that. I can help you on this if you need it.
Only the Premium plans provide this feature through the Smart Assign option. In the Free version you need to choose one category that will be assigned to all jobs on each bulk import.
After your purchase, deactivate the Free version and download and activate the premium version. Under Go Fetch Jobs > Account, click ‘Sync’ or the Activate Plan button. If the premium plan is not activated immediately please try again later since it can take a few minutes until the server is updated.


21 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information


First Released

31 Jan, 2016

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

3.5 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:

5.2.4 or higher




The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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