Plugin / RSSPhoto

Spencer Kellis



RSSPhoto install simply requires creating a writable directory in wp-content/cache to store thumbnails, and installing/activating the plugin itself:

  1. If it doesn’t already exist, create the directory wp-content/cache and give it permissions of 755
  2. Upload all files to the wp-content/plugins/rssphoto directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

To use the widget:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Widgets’ section of the ‘Appearance’ menu in WordPress
  2. Drag the widget to the sidebar
  3. Configure the widget as needed

To use the shortcode:

  1. Edit the page you want to display the images
  2. Add the following text to the page:

    [rssphoto url=””]

  3. Include any of the following attributes (see descriptions of these settings below)

    • title=”Title”
    • url=””
    • height=150
    • width=185
    • img_sel=”Most Recent”
    • num_img=1
    • item_sel=”Random”
    • num_item=10
    • show_title=1
    • show_img_title=1
    • output=”Slideshow2″
    • interval=6000
    • min_size=10
    • max_size=500

To integrate with a theme:

  1. The plugin needs to be installed and activated.
  2. Copy and paste the contents of the file RSSPhotoTheme.functions.php to the end of the file functions.php in your theme directory.
  3. Declare RSSPhoto settings (multiple instances are supported).
  4. Call the function display_rssphoto() from your theme (e.g., sidebar.php). An example of the last two steps:


Here’s a quick description of the settings:

  1. (title) Title: Text that appears over the RSSPhoto image(s). “String in quotes”
  2. (url) URL: address of the RSS or Atom feed. “”
  3. (height) Height: height of the RSSPhoto images in pixels; or, ‘variable’ to maintain the aspect ratio given the specified width (see #4). [Number]|”variable”
  4. (width) Width: width of the RSSPhoto images in pixels; or, ‘variable’ to maintain the aspect ratio given the specified height (see #3). [Number]|”variable”
  5. (img_sel) Image selection: the script can randomly select images or just display the first image in the feed item. “Random”|”Most Recent”
  6. (num_img) # Images per Item: how many images embedded in each feed item to display. [Number]
  7. (item_sel) Item Selection: RSSPhoto will choose a random feed item, or the most recent feed item. “Random”|”Most Recent”
  8. (num_item) # Items: choose how many feed items to display. [Number]
  9. (show_title) Show Title: whether to display the main RSSPhoto title over the images. 1|0
  10. (show_img_title) Show Image Titles: whether to display the titles of each displayed thumbnail. 1|0
  11. (output) Output: images will load as a slideshow or can be displayed statically. “Slideshow2″|”Slideshow”|”Static”
  12. (interval) Slideshow Interval: the amount of time in milliseconds to wait between image transitions for the slideshows. [Number]

Note that for the height and width properties you should only set one or the other to “variable”, since RSSPhoto will use the other integer-valued dimension to fix the aspect ratio.


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Details Information



First Released

05 Aug, 2009

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

2.8 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:




This plugin has been closed.


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