Plugin / Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Sterling Hamilton



  • Resolve fatal errors for people who have the core php libraries for xml uninstalled, or have invalid xml files.


  • Add a patch for core bug introduced in 4.7.1


  • Created End User styles to allow for the front of the site to display SVG files properly.


  • Fix mime-type issues. Changed too much too quickly. BAD DEVELOPER.


  • Removed the sanitizer. This plugin isn’t about security. It’s about letting you use SVG files easily.
  • Added more styling to improve Media Manager, including adjustments Grid View and Listing View
  • Added additional styling to allow for SVG files to show for Featured Images.
  • Reduced overall code footprint and complexity.
  • Added code documentation.
  • Resolved several serverside issues you may have been encountering having to do with security related stuff.


  • Added inline styling to the administration area so SVG attachments will show up in list/grid views.
  • Props to shield-9 (Daisuke Takahashi) for the code.


  • Added a security library to scan all uploaded SVG files. It has a list of “expected” elements and attributes, if the file contains thing it does not expect, it removes them. This will include things like Javascript.
  • The security cannot be perfect and it is recommended to only provide upload privileges to trusted users.
  • Props to thedwards for bringing this to my attention.


  • I broke everything. I’m sorry, but it had to be done.
  • Basically how I had approached the problem before was wrong. It is now being done properly using the correct mime/type.
  • Shortcodes are no longer needed, you can now use SVG files as you would any other image.
  • Previews now show up in the media area for SVG files.
  • IMPORTANT: Anyone using the version prior to 2.0 were using shortcodes to display SVG files. You will have to go back and replace those shortcodes with actual image tags. If you’re not familiar with HTML, you can just delete the shortcode out of the page/post and then insert the SVG file as you would any other image.
  • Thanks to the guys over at for kicking me in the butt to actually fix this thing:


  • One less required parameter and a graceful fail over to a valid implementation type. Props @Phil


  • Fixing a typo. This typo caused ONLY SVG files to be allowed to upload via the media uploader.


  • I N C E P T I O N


22 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information



First Released

31 Jan, 2014

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

3.0 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:





The plugin hasn't been transalated in any language other than English.


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