Plugin / Contact – Registration – Post Form Builder & FrontEnd Editor BuddyForms – Making WordPress Forms A Breeze




2.5.8 – 11 Oct 2019

  • Added an implementation to avoid acf field from form validation.
  • Added a new way to edit the list of Countries and States from the elements options.
  • Added a new option into the Country element to load the States for the next State element base on the Country key present in State list. More in the documentation
  • Added the default name of does fields which not was adding it when they was added to the form.
  • Fixed the store/load values for elements like the number field in a registration form.
  • Fixed the store/load values for elements from a registration form.
  • Fixed the required signal for the textarea element.
  • Changing the file element from a link to a button.
  • Changing the file element * place to be after the label.
  • Changing the default date format to dd/mm/yy.
  • Fixed the jQuery form validation to override the default required jQuery validate by buddyforms internal implementation where external element will not process and letting 3rd addOns to hook into the process.
  • Fixed the form option to stop the Js validation.
  • Fixed error position for the checkbox and the radio buttons.
  • Fixed the red border for the bio element.
  • Fixed the validation for the upload element.
  • Added a * to the first empty element of the country and state element when they are required and the label is inline.
  • Added the placeholder for the upload element with the corresponding *. Now it have the correct label when the form is showing the placeholder or labels.
  • Fixed the error placement for the category, taxonomy and tag element, now the error will appear after the element.
  • Fixed the error placement for the elements textarea, post_excerpt and buddyform_form_content.
  • Fixed the error placement fo the radio buttons.
  • Fixed the red border for password element.
  • Improved the password element label and placeholder. Now the label is showed when the form is configured in the other way the password element will show the placeholder inside the input with the * if the element is required.
  • Fixed the JS validation for the post_formats element.
  • Fixed the placeholder and label for the post_formats element.
  • Fixed the label for the feature image element and added a label inside the element to work as placeholder.
  • Fixed the Category and Tag element missing placeholder.
  • Fixed the captcha form element label and description.
  • Added a new option inside the captcha form element to override the language.
  • Added a hook to customize the Js parameters to include in the request for the captcha form element. buddyforms_captcha_js_source_parameter.
  • Improved the honey-pot anti spam.

2.5.7 – 4 Oct 2019

  • Fixed the issue with the output buffer.

2.5.6 – 3 Oct 2019

  • Fixed the date element format. Thanks to Maxime From Hophop Ride
  • Fixed the hidden element.
  • Fixed the admin submission list to include the Date and the Hidden element correctly.
  • Fixed the Post Excerpt element to be output in the correct place.
  • Fixed the issue with the dropdown element where they let the user add text always.
  • Added support to use the element properties name with Upper letters, this changes improve compatibility with other extensions. Thanks to Joanna Pantages to bring this topic to us.

2.5.5 – 30 Sept 2019

  • Added a new filter buddyforms_current_user_can to change the permission. The filter has 4 parameter permission, form slug, post, type (edit, delete, all).
  • Moved the BuddyForms js global above buddyforms_front_js_css_after_enqueue.
  • Add a new filter buddyforms_loop_form_slug to overwrite the form slug on a post basis in the loop.
  • Reformat the code of the-loop.php
  • Added 2 hooks to let 3rd party addons not include the form action buttons.
  • Added a new do action buddyforms_the_loop_after_actions to add actions buttons outside the normal action workflow.
  • Improved the compatibility with the BF UM addon. This change avoid to override the form slug from the query arguments coming from 3rd party addons.
  • Added hooks to change the Country and State list from the code in the professional version.
  • Disabled the select2 to include elements if the option is not activated.
  • Fixed the format for the date element.
  • Fixed the styles to be included in the shortcodes.
  • Fixed the category element to include the default value and the correct items.
  • Fixed the modal to create the pages from the wizard, the setting page and the form builder.
  • Added a new hook buddyforms_after_user_activation to hook after the user activation.
  • Added the time field using the jquery ui datepicker.
  • Changed the library for the date element to use jquery ui datepicker.
  • Improved the way the js data is loaded into the form.
  • Added the ability to process shortcodes from the after form submited message.
  • Fixed the styles of the message.
  • Added some hook into JS to get the field data from 3rd party plugins.
  • Added a class form-control to all elements.
  • Changed the required validation to apply only to elements .form-control:required.
  • Added a JS action hook for Form submit.
  • Added a new tag option for the shortcode used to get the list of entries. This open the posibility to get entries from multiples forms in one place. Example shortcode [buddyforms_list_all query_option="list_all_published_posts_by_meta_key" meta_value="acf-validation,test-ultimate-member,test-assets" meta_compare="in" form_slug="acf-validation" meta_key="_bf_form_slug"]

2.5.4 – 19 Aug 2019

  • Fixed the validation of the backend message for the manage submission page.
  • Fixed the issue generated by submit an empty tag or category.
  • Fixed the issue to edit/delete post created before without BuddyForms.

2.5.3 – 19 Aug 2019

  • Fixed the wrong message from the Category field.
  • Updated the generated styles.
  • Fixed the captcha to be showed in all forms.
  • Fixed the styles to be applied correctly to all forms.
  • Fixed the default field option for the taxonomy, category and tag field.
  • Added the dismissible option to the admin notification to setup the page in the plugin settings for Frontend Submissions Management.

2.5.2 – 19 Aug 2019

  • Improved the way the styles of the forms are loaded and how the are apply to the form. Now this improve let to edit the css of specific form even if exist multiples forms in the same page.
  • Improved the load of the assets.
  • Fixed the password validation to take in count if the field is required or not. Useful for Forms to edit the user profile.
  • Fixed the GDPR output.
  • Fixed the validation of the website and link field to only apply the JS validation when correspond.
  • Added a new general settings for the frontend submissions management.
  • Added the submissions management page to the form select as pre selected if n o attached page exist.
  • Fixed the email validation for the field user_email and email.
  • Added a hook system for frontend JS.
  • Fixed the suffix for the price field.
  • Added required signal for the fields in the builder, to easy identify what fields are required.
  • Fixed the email validation message for the email field.
  • Fixed the issue originated by the form slug coming from the templates.
  • Added 2 function to load the assets using JS.
  • Fixed the field dependent on select2 to load correctly in the builder.
  • Improve the compatibility with the plugin email-subscribers.
  • Fixed the auto-load of the content of the default page to manage submitions.
  • Fixed to get back the post_id used when a form is loaded and the auto-draft is created.
  • Fixed the scroll after the form is submitted.
  • Fixed the creation of the form from the Wizard.
  • Fixed the captcha field.
  • Fixed the email notification for the user not logged in.
  • Fixed the user_email field was changing the email of the current user logged in in all forms.
  • Fixed the output of the tags in the admin submission screen.
  • Fixed the wizard registration tab.
  • Fixed the auto-generate slug for the fields in the form designer.
  • Move the Date field to the basic fields.
  • Adding the field name for all fields when they are added to the builder.

2.5.1 – 11 July 2019

  • Fixed the double Label for the content field.
  • Updated the way of the form render using echo or simply returning the html.
  • Improved the code to be compatible with JupiterX.

2.5.0 – 9 July 2019

  • Improved required field messages to be more user friendly.
  • Fixed the function to register users from multisite.
  • Added more argument to extend the fields form 3rd parties.
  • Moved the captcha field to the basic field group.
  • Added a Price field.
  • Removed the label option from the From Action field.
  • Fixed the option to change the form slug, because it was not working if the form not have any submitted entry.
  • Fixed JS incompatibility with external plugins.
  • Code improvement and cleaning.
  • Improved the detection of the bf shortcodes from the post content.
  • Fixed the fields user_login and user_email because the option hide to logged in was hiding this field for logged out users and not make sense for a registration form.
  • Added a filter to exclude columns in the submission list from the administration.
  • Updated the user meta mapping to load the user website from user metas.
  • Improved the default submission title for the registration forms.
  • Fixed to show the User meta values when a list of entries shortcode is used.
  • Fixed the user_login and user_email field to load the value from the user meta.
  • Fixed the show captcha when the submission is in the action view.
  • Code fix to the action column of the list of entries of a contact form.
  • Added a custom class to the list of submissions.
  • Fixed the password reset shortcode.
  • Improved the code related to the error handling.
  • Added the possibility to override the template/output used to change the password.
  • Removing the session from the form submission and the error handling.
  • Adding the Content element to handle the server validation for that component.
  • Added a filter to change the output used to replace by a shortcode. apply_filters('buddyforms_field_shortcode_value', $field_result_value, $form_slug, $post_id, $target_slug )
  • Fixed to avoid jQuery validate crash.
  • Fixed the undefined index when the dropdown don’t have any item created yet.
  • Added the option to create a form from scratch or select the existing templates when a form is added trough the option add new.
  • Fixed the wizard to not show the new builder background.
  • Fixed the issue related to the creation of auto-draft in each visit of the form in the frontend.
  • Added a filter to change the array separator. apply_filters('buddyforms_implode_separator', ', ', $field_type, $field_slug)
  • Fixed the validation to process the array correctly, it affect the taxonomy fields.
  • Added the taxonomy field value for the submission column in the administration.
  • Fixed the permission issue when the post is created using buddyforms.
  • Added a helper function to check the user capability. bf_user_can
  • Added a nonce error message.
  • Added a cursos pointer to the checkbox input.
  • Fixed the permission to submit a form for anonymous users.
  • Fixed a notice in the email notifications.
  • Fixed the edit and delete buttons.
  • Fixed the required validation for the content field.
  • Fixed the auto-draft error for different post types.
  • Added a Js hook to extend the function to get field data.
  • Change “Check to enabled” to “Check to enable”.
  • Updating Freemius to version 2.3.0.
  • Added the ability to join the beta tester groups.
  • Fixed the way is added the scripts when the form is load from a shortcode.
  • Fixed the user email element to be an email input to validate with html5.

2.4.6 – 3 Jun 2019

  • Fix : Feature Image Field layout.
  • Fix: Validation min/max value for number field type.
  • Fixed the trash option inside the post status field.
  • Added a filter (buddyforms_before_update_post_meta). to hook before the form meta is saved in order to customize it.
  • Added an option inside the form to enabled or disabled the js validation in the frontend.
  • Removing the jQuery validation from php code.
  • Added the required validtion inside JS file.
  • Removed the validation tab and required option for the comment field.
  • Added an event to the required validation to be extended from 3rd extensions for custom fields using JS.
  • Fix the required validation to pass the field with no data like password second field.
  • Added a global event to enabled or disabled the form submit button, this give the possibility to improve the integration of 3rd party code.
  • Fixed the repeated Date field. Fixes #498
  • Added the current form into the JS global var to be used in the backend to load or apply the field related code.
  • Change the Date field to jQuery DateTimePicker and added more options to get more control of this field.
  • The new Date field is enabled to use with Time or Date or both at same time and handle custom formats and time steps. Also is possible to customize from external JS using event callback.
  • Improving the validation for the hidden fields like the taxonomies, dates.
  • Fixing the placement of the validation error.
  • Fixing the error validation to work with taxonomy fields.
  • Removing the limit to have more than one Date field in a form.
  • Added the label to the Date field this field is inline.
  • Added a function to get the field by ID.
  • Added a code to get the form slug from the post meta to define to include the assets.
  • Improved the label position for the error validation.
  • Fixed the column row to styles. Added a new class for the first element row bf-start-row.
  • Added an option inside the fields Excerpt, Content and Textarea to control the amount of rows.
  • Added the ability to copy the shortcodes from the side bar using a single click inside the form builder.
  • Fixed the option to generate the title and content for a post to not take precedence over the submitted value if the field is not hidden.
  • Added one option inside the form to change the Form slug.
  • Added server side validation for Date fields.
  • Fixed the styles for the Date field when is show in the edit post screen inside a metabox.
  • Improved the form slug option to be process only if it change.
  • Improved the Element Class and Validation Class to accept the field options as a property to handle the field options inside the Field Class.
  • Moved the Date field options inside the Date field Class.
  • Added the server side validation for the PostFormat field.
  • Added PostFormat as a new Field type in the code.
  • Improve the server side validation to extend existing using filters.
  • Fixing the shortcodes to only show the requested form by the provided form slug.
  • Fixing a hook to override the submit button.

2.4.5 – 19 May 2019

  • Adding a copy to clipboard into the form designer to copy the field slug.
  • Fixing the extra weigh of the plugin zip.

2.4.4 – 19 May 2019

  • Fixed the editor issue in order to only apply the fix related to the form designer in certain pages.
  • Fixed email notification duplicate values for taxonomies in the table of all fields.
  • Improved the notification code to be more fast and stable. Now the empty shortcodes will be replace by empty string to not send noice shortcode tags into the email to the final users.

2.4.3 – 17 May 2019

  • Fixed fields with ajax validations allows to enter a lower number in Max Length than the entered in Min Length.
  • Fixed the empty editor with gutenberg.
  • Fixed the issue reported in
  • Fix to avoid hide all metaboxes when BF is adding his own metabox.

2.4.2 – 16 May 2019

  • Fixed the assets issue caused by the automation script used to generate and deployed the new version.

= 2.4.1 – 14 May 2019
* Added the option to define the number of rows for a textarea.
* Fixed the option Make this field Hidden because it was not appearing in the form designer.
* Fixed: To load the assets on the admin pages and show the upload field on the admin pages.
* Added the ability to sort the item inside the next field types: checkbox, dropdown, radiobutton and gpdr
* Fixed the Ajax Validation, broken for the text aria.
* Fixed the issue related to the post status. Now the post will keep the post status when is created or edited if not exist a status field.
* Fixed the css for “Required field” messages in the dropdowns, checkboxes, radiobuttons and GDPRs are misplaced.
* Fixed the email notification to process the field shortcode user_email.
* Fixed the notification issue. The bug was throw when a field shortcode was used in the notification options and was not process correctly. Now even is possible to use field shortcodes inline with strings.
* Fixed the validation for min and max length.
* Fixed the validation for min and max number.

= 2.4.0 – 29 March 2019
* Change to use SEM Version
* Fixed default value for upload and feature image field
* Added a way to not echo the textarea, only return the html
* Fixed the double update of the existing post
* Improved the taxonomy, category and tag field to be possible to extend the terms query by 3rd parties using the filter buddyforms_ajax_load_term_query
* Ready to be localized the string Upload in progress
* Added a hook to add field related translations inside the field
* Added a container to divide the form actions
* Fixed the error related to the save of fields placed after a taxonomy field
* Added a validation to avoid error when no exist any form
* Fixed the visibility of the new ajax option inside the taxonomy field
* Fixed the button to reset the form styles
* Added compatibility for Better Notifications for WordPress
* Changed the ajax search name_like to use search option
* Updated select2 to the latest version
* Added cache to the select2 search terms field
* Add draft functionality
* Add a mechanism to read the form options from the js side
* Improved the code stability
* Added a helper function to grab the form slug from different sources
* Added a btn-alt for the draft button to make a difference with the primary button
* Added custom class for draft button
* Added a custom element to handle the form actions (publish/draft) buttons. With this custom field is possible to output the selected button in a different order
* Updated the draft text
* DOMDocument error fixed. Now the code detect if dom library is loaded if not it use regex
* Moved the custom class option under the switch to make sure the option is available for all fields
* Added the draft options
* Move the form action field into the basic group
* Fixed the issue related to load assets in the admin where they don’t needed
* Improved the detection of the block to include the assets trough gutenberg
* Fixed the navigation in the list of entries for contact form
* Fixed the form builder grid option not working for images
* Update the session to use transient to avoid trash in the database
* Remove the long time expiration for the session, now is 27~30mn
* Fixed the mail notification when the post status change.
* Improved the shortcode form_elements_table used into the mail notifications
* Added the git templates for issues and features request into the git repository
* Added a filter to override the lost password link
* Fix the notification accordion
* Fix the ad notification button
* Fixed the after submission option when is displaying a page content
* Fixed the regex to detect bf from the post content
* Fix the shortcode to generate the table with all values from the form. This shortcode is used in the form notification. The fix include the notification when the post change his status.
* Fixed the notification accordion when the form is created directly

= – 6 March 2019
* Added a check to avoid start gutenberg block in older wordpress versions
* Added an option to use ajax for the taxonomy field
* Code improved

= – 2 March 2019
* IMPORTANT: the function buddyforms_locate_template used in our templates has changed now need the $form_slug parameter. Please update your templates files.
* Fixed the checkbox styles in the form permissions
* Freemus SDK Update

= 2.3.3 – 28 Feb 2019
* Update the way to include parameters into js
* Added buddyformsGlobal var
* Code Refactored
* Improved the upload field to work in the list of contact entries
* Fixed the double label for the upload field
* Fixed the way is added the rules to jQuery validation, now the input need to be active.
* Fixed: Overlapping title on a new BuddyForm
* fixed the admin url used in ajax call
* Update Freemius
* Update composer type

= 2.3.2 – 26 Feb 2019
* Fixed the assets to be included with the shortcodes.

= 2.3.1 – 22 Feb 2019
* Added Gutenberg Support
* Add new Blocks for Embed Forms, Submissions, Registration and Login Forms.
* Added the ability to show other user submission if the permission is enabled.
* Fixed the permission auto check. Now the permissions follow the next rules:
–> For pro version -if the form is new only select create-edit-delete by default for admin and editor
–> Free version -all permission checked for all roles except for all submissions Fix/all submission permission
* Fixed Upload field – image url is getting reset on save
* Added the user_login to the submission list to get the value form the user meta.
* Improved the user_login and email field to show in the single submission view.
* Fixed the label duplication issue in the single submission view
* Change the button text from Close to Back
* Fixed the user fields first and last name to store correctly into the user meta.
* Fixed the issue related to create multiples entries when the registration form was used to update an user.
* Added the different Column name for table template
* Changed the post entry title to use the user nicename when the pest entry belong to a registration form.
* Added a new tag to define the style of the list in the shortcodes.
* Updated the default value for the post style
* Fixed the warning inside the Gutenberg shortcode
* Added an Author column to the submission list in the administration, to easily identify the author of the entry. If the entry belong to an un-authenticated user it will show Anonymous
* Changed the name of the composer library to avoid conflict with composer 2
* Added the styles to organize the permission chk.
* Added the validation for the permissions inside the submission view.
* Added the value as class inside the container of the checkbox to easily style each one.
* Removed the home page from the activation page list. Now to redirect to WordPress home is necessary to use the HomePage option in the list.
* Avoid to ask for permission to show the form in the registration forms.
* Fixed the fields email and user_login to show if the user is not logged in.
* Improved the code.
* Localized ready for all strings
* Fixed the empty localization strings
* Updating the translation file. Adding the Spanish translation.
* updated composer.lock
* Fixed the undefined index name in the submission page
* Add a new function to detect if is gutenberg
* Added a filter to disable the validation of the email send to the user on activation or update
* Improved the assets included in the form.
* Added a function to extract the form slug reading a shortcode or direct from the html after the shortcode is processed reading the hidden input form_slug.
* Fixed security issue related to the registration form. It was including the last entry id in the hidden field of a registration form where it suppose to be empty. Now the update user process work seamless.
* Code cleaning

= 2.3 – 21 Jan 2019
* Removed an left over alert from the dropdown rewrite
* Fixed user_website valdiation
* Moving the asterisk to flag required fields to by at the end of the label.
* Added a Hook to change the signal of the default values, by default asterisk. Filter details buddyforms_render_required_signal one parameter.
* Removed composer update from the post-merge git hook
* Added a message inside the registration forms type to let the user know the WordPress user registration is disable, added the same validation and message to avoid to render a registration form.
* Improved the validation
* Added the first step to create gutenberg block
* Fixed E-Mail Adress is empty, if no form field with E-Mail Adress is submitted by logged in users
* Added a space between the Date #167
* Changed the labels in the form builder
* Added a space between the Date #167
* Created a new helper function to get $_GET parameter
* Fixed an issue with the form element custom class. The class option was not working on every form element. Should be fixed now.
* Added a wrapper class to the form element call div. The wrapper class starts with col- and the custom form element class from the form element option custom_class
* Added a query var to get the form slug from the Form preview
* Fixed the field id for the form_arg parameter
* Updated the freemius sdk to version 2.2.3
* Cleaned and refactored the code.

= – 29 November 2018
* Added validation to the file element.
* Fixing the validation of the emails notifications.
* Fixed the function to scroll to error in the form designer.
* Fixing the form designer validation

= – 28 November 2018
Spelling correctioon
Added a extra check to the updated script top avoid a PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach. This was reported by a user and happened on some installs if a form with no form elements was used from the backend.
Reformat code

= 2.2.9 – 23 November 2018
* Improving the email functionality to receive the user cc and bcc copies of the emails. Refactoring the code.
* Added a default template for the shortcode
* Added validation for the cc and bcc fields with multiples emails or one.
* Fixed the option to show the cc or bcc to interact only with the field in the current notification.
* fixed to keep the round red color and the scroll to the elements.

= 2.2.8 – 9 November 2018
* Fixed an issue where the feature image was not attach to the post
* Removed the maxFiles limit from the upload form element
* Improved the security and added prepare to queries to avoid sql injection.
* Improved the field processing, for extra process.
* Added the action buddyforms_process_field_submission to grant 3rd party to add extra process to the field and include this extra process internal fields like Upload and Features.
* Added the Field Control to start migrating to SOLID principles.
* Added the action to the action buddyforms_process_field_submission.
* Fixed the condition to ask if the imgae.php was already included.
* Fixed the email short-code generation.
* Improving the shortcode replacement
* Adding CI with codeship, phpcs, php linter and php fixer.
* Updated php cs and fixer configuration
* Fixed the validation og the website form element without http protocol
* Improving the code.

= 2.2.7 – 19 October 2018
* Added missing translations
* Fixed some admin css issues and make sure its also working for
* Removed the readme from the zip process.
* Added a functionality to add a random string as the form name in case the form is created and not provide a title.
* Fixed the notices and warnings related to the create form process
* Added the BuddyForms version to the file enqueue
* Fixed the shortcode to show all users entries work.
* Fixed the permission tab to avoid override saved values with default values.
* Disabled the ACF js navigate away pop up
* Updated the cache group.
* Added a helper function to get the form by slug and include a cache inside
* Improving function documentation

= 2.2.6 – 1 October 2018
* Fixed the option to delete an image when post is deleted inside the upload field.
* Added new option to upload field to define how many file will be uploaded.
* Added new option in the upload field to define the validation messages.
* The upload field now upload one file by one.
* Fixed the the shortcode bf_user_posts_list.
* Fixed the validations process, in the case where the jQuery validator not exist.
* Added new options to the featured-image field, now it work like the upload field.
* Fixed the invalid image when file is not present.
* New option for image upload max number of files to ensure the amount of files to upload.

= 2.2.5 – 10 September 2018
* Added support for There have been UI issue in the Admin backend.
* Added validation to avoid form submission when one of the files in the upload has errors
* Added a validation to avoid enable the submit button when some process is in motion.

  • Rewrite the file upload form element
    ** New version of the upload field.
    ** Added a new validation for required fields.
    ** Added a validation for when the field have more file than allowed.
    ** Included de description at the bottom of the field, if the description exist.
    ** The validations run over jquery validations.
    ** Adding a new filter to pass the jquery validation for certain field types. Filter name ‘buddyforms_jquery_validator_field_to_pass’ with the parameter array(‘upload’).
    ** Fixed the link between the media files and the created post.
    ** Changed the behavior of the upload field. When a file is droped is automatically validated. The submit of the form is lock until a file is uploading and unlock on finish the queue.
    ** Improved the code of the upload field.
    ** Changed the color of the error and success svg using a filter to be red and green.

  • Added group validation

  • Added a global validation to avoid send the form until the field not upload the files
  • Added a validation with jquery to check if the upload is required and if they have only the allowed files
  • Removed prevent default of the submit button
  • Added a red color to the error cross in the field upload
  • Fixed compatibility to php 7.1 for the function buddyforms_strip_html_title_for_entries_in_post_screen
  • Added a new permission to get all user submission in the frontend.
  • Added a script to check for repeated slug and add a random suffix. This is important to avoid crash with components that use the name in the frontend with javascript
  • Added a filter to customize the jquery validations. buddyforms_jquery_validator_init, thanks to @pattyok.
  • Added the function to the form to open the field in case of empty required setting.
  • Fixed the list post option setting.
  • Show the empty submission list message option always in the form settings.
  • Removed the permalink notice and Removing permalink verification funciton
  • Fixed the shortcode generator modal. Now it look full width
  • Changed the version of the upload script make it load by the clients.
  • Fixed the upload field to handle more than one field in the same form.
  • Added the option to handle the empty submission list.
  • Added a shortcode to add a link inside the empty submission list message.
  • Added an improve to wait the form submission for multiples file upload from diferents fields
  • Moved upload function to the function file to include in the front.
  • Fixed submission view to include the post title and the post content. The post content with the elipsis form wp
  • Cleaned the upload field.
  • Added a code to check if the uploader have a file to avoid cancel the form submission.
  • Added a script to check for repeated slug and add a random suffix.
  • Added a new permission to get all user submission in the frontend.
  • Cleaned the code.

= 2.2.5 – 31 August 2018
* Fixed the shortcode generator modal. Now it look full width.
* Removed the permalink notice and function.
* Showing the empty submission list message option always in the form settings.
* Fixed the list post option setting.
* Added a filter to customize the jquery validations. buddyforms_jquery_validator_init, thanks to @pattyok.
* Added the function to the form to open the field in case of empty required setting.
* Added a script to check for repeated slug and add a random suffix.
* Added a new permission to get all user submission in the frontend.

= 2.2.4 – 7 August 2018
* Fix the screen option for submission page in BuddyForms.
* Fix: Featured image field is not working in the front-end for edit entries.
* Fix :Upload field is not working in the front-end for edit entries.
* Adding a function to check for the correct permalink.
* Adding a notice to show to the user in case the permalink are not the correct.
* Adding permalink admin notification.
* Fixing the js code related to the new upload field, because it was changing the name of the submit buttons in the forms.
* Removing unused php session.
* Adding the option to hide the User related fields.
* Adding status of the post to the submission list
* Adding better return for the post status. Now it show the full string.
* Adding helper functions to get all files of one form.
* Adding a helper function to check if exist a field in the form.
* Implementing a condition to hide the hidden status input is exist the field status in the form.
* Adding the code to handle the status if they coming form the form.
* Fix Status field.
* Fixing the user role moderation to avoid the user role change for admin and when the option is to keep the current user role.
* Fixing the user role moderation.
* Fixing the submit of the form.
* Added a code to check if the uploader have a file to avoid cancel the form submission.
* Moving upload function to the function file to include in the front.
* Fixing submission view to include the post title and the post content. The post content with the elipsis form wp
* Cleaning the upload field.
* Added a code to wait the form submission for multiples file upload from different fields.
* Added the option to handle the empty submission list.
* Added a shortcode to add a link inside the empty submission list message.

= 2.2.3 – 10. July 2018
* Fixed the reCaptcha library, adding a native checking from google.
* Added a link to generate new keys.
* Fixed the permission tab checkboxes css
* Implemented a role based authorization security mechanism using a custom attribute filter.
* Fixed a issue with the drop zone. File upload via form not attached to post
* Added a screen option for the submission screen.
* Fixed the login for active or not active users.
* Added the js script to handle the moderation settings.
* Added the new moderation and on update user settings.
* Implementing the moderation function for user update.
* Updating the options and the text related to the moderation to make more friendly.
* Fixed the upload field initializer.
* Added some functions to display the submit message of the forms and the default message.
* Added the new option to the form setting to add new message on form update.
* Fixed the user update on form update.
* Implementing the new update message for form submit
* Freemius SDK Update

= 2.2.2 – 29. Jun 2018
* Fixed the resend activation link for user pending of activations
* Improved the submission view UI
* Added a new filter buddyform_after_activate_user. To hook just after the user got activated.
* Removed duplicated argument $bf_value from the filter bf_submission_column_default.
* Fixed a notice related to an empty attached_page option
* Updating the js functions to not use live, thanks to @virtualLast
* Removing deprecated functions and fixed several smaller issues
* Prefixed custom_user_profile_fields function to avoid conflicts with other plugins using the same name.

= 2.2.1 – 22. Jun 2018
* Added a filter at top of the user list to filter the list of user for the buddyforms pending for activation users.
* Added the activation and resend activation email link into the admin user list.
* Added a buddyform function to generate nonces, to use in the activation process of users.
* Saving the activation link into user meta.
* Added a function to get the current user id from the get parameters when the activation process is running.
* Applying code style.
* Mke the review notification grab the correct version number.

= 2.2 – 20. Jun 2018
* This is a huge update. Please test deeply.

  • GDPR Release
  • We belive we have done all possible to make BuddyForms GDPR compliance. GDPR is still a subject to change and we will adjust BuddyForms if we find out that something is not build GDPR compliance.
  • –> Make the architecture of BuddyForms GDPR Complaint
  • –> Add a new Form Element “GDPR Agreement”
  • –> Added GDPR Agreement templates for registration, post and contact forms
  • –> Add new general settings page to create default Agreement templates and form footer terms text and terms page link option.
  • –> Added a new shortcode “GDPR Export and Erase Form” [buddyforms_gpdr]. A form to add GDPR Personal Data Export and Erase request forms to your site
  • –> Added support for the Personal data exporter
  • –> Fixed how the plugin get the user data with a new way to disable it.
  • –> Added argument validation to take in count the wp core key and the field types matching.
  • –> Refactoring how the user meta is saved. Now all is in the same place.

  • Featured Image

  • Created a new uploader. Its now possible to upload featured images for unregistered logged off users.

  • Added a link “create new entry” if the submission list is empty.

  • Fixed the form slug to get the form messages. Cleaning and refactoring the code.
  • Added a code to show the related tabs in base of the form type select in the templates
  • Added a filter to disable save usermeta data ‘buddyforms_not_save_usermeta’.
  • Make sure tinyMCE exist otherwise it is braking the ajax.
  • Fixed the submit with ajax option for the form.
  • Added function to map the existing fields to override the meta use in wp core instead of duplicate it.
  • Calling the new functions in the user-meta.php file, this is a new centralice way to get and write the user data.
  • Changing the loader priority of the user-meta.php file to use the new function in the frontend
  • Avoid send the notification id if the status is the same
  • Including Patty O’Hara suggestion to avoid send the email notification if the old status is equal to the new status. This will avoid to send the notification twice
  • Added the new GDPR Admin Notice
  • Added the new freemius sdk
  • Fixed a issue with the user meta. Some data have not get validated correctly.
  • save a issue with tinymce not updating the textbox during submit
  • Added a check to registration forms if the default values exist on update of a user to avoid notice
  • Added new filter and add a check to deactivate the activation mail with a filter
  • Fixed the remote preview url

= 2.1.7 – 20. May 2018
* Removed all dependencies to bootstrap. In earlier versions UI parts of the Admin have been build with Bootstrap. This parts have been rebuild to use WordPress native jQuery UI
* –> Added buddyform prefix for nav-pills, nav-tabs and tabs-left
* –> Fixed the field related scripts like the tabs and the accordion when new field is added to the form builder.
* –> Added script to load the field inside the wizard.
* –> Fixed css to organize the arrow inside the wizard
* Fixed php language minor issues
* Change the place of the filter for submission default value
* Fixed a sessions issue. This fix is related a conflict during recovery of the session when the page is load the first time.
* Improved the submissions table to show the column data and custom field types
* –>Added the category and the tag to the list of submission
* changing the input ids for the wp login form to avoid name coalition with the user_id field
* add form slug as attribute to the buddyforms_formbuilder_fields_options filter
* Fixed some issue in the registration form redirect. redirect to url #was broken

= – 29. April 2018
* Fixed an issue with the upload form element “No image displayed in the admin edit screen”
* Change submit button text to upload in process during upload
* Fixed the upload label. slug was used.
* Added a filter for allow add-ons display the value in the column of the submission list
* show the thumbnail of the uploaded files in the view and edit submision pages
* Change the loader of garlic library to first check if the html tag exist in the dom.
* Added jQuery identifier instead of $ to avoid error
* Make trials working. Tehre was an issue with the trial activation.

= – 16. April 2018
* Added a display none important as css to the id bf_honeypot. The bf_honeypot form element does have a style attribute display: none but for some reason some customer reported in the support that the field was visible.
* Fixed an issue in the shortcode. The author id attribute did not have any effect.
* Added compatibility for public post lists so they can be used in other extension like BuddyForms Ultimate Member

= – 3. March 2018
* Added a default error message to the error handling just in case we have a error but no message
* Check if the user id is_wp_error and get the error message
* Added description and Label to the upload field drop zone

= – 29. March 2018
* Changing the submission query to use wpdp
* Improving the edit form shortcode
* Fixed an issue with the upload form element. The label and description was not displayed
* Fixed smaller issues reported by users
* CSS some css in the login form

= – 26. March 2018
* Fixed the check for the permission for admin and autor (read-edit-write)
* Fixed the loader of the plugin to avoid incompatibilities with WP
* Added new class bf-hidden to enable hide form elements by class
* Added the honey pot to the form.
* Fixed and issue in the login form. The Lost Password Link was overwriting the registration link
* Remove the old plugin header from the password-strengh-settings
* Make sure Form Layout and Import Forms are always the last tabs
* Improving the global var of BuddyForms
* Fixed the item in the list of form inside the submission view to include the last updated form names
* Fixed the items name in the list of form inside the submission view
* Fixed the the visibility of the selected form post type
* Moving the tk icon load script to a separated function to load in backend and frontend
* Added css to include the icon in the shortcode
* Create a new admin bar menu item to edit the form if the form is displayed.
* Update Freemius version to 2.0.1

= – 14. March 2018
* Make sure the password update script in the wp insert user only run if new password is set during update
* Make sure the password script works for new registrations with the change password class introduced in the latest update

= – 12. March 2018
* Updated the re captcha form element to use the version 2. Version 1 is only supported til the 30 of March.
* Added new options for recaptcha v2 to the form element.
* Fixed an issue with the user creation. If “Create account during submission” was set without a page selected in the form builder under edit submissions.
* Fixed an issue with the post author. If the user was created during submission it could happen that no author was set.
* Rebuild the pfbc password field and make use of the WordPress validation also in registration forms.
* Fixed an with the password option “hide for logged in users”. If the option was set the password field was hidden all the time.

= – 6. March 2018
* Fixed an issue in the Registration and Activation Process.
* Refactoring the code.
* Added the login/registration form to the forms when the option correspond

2.1.6 – 5. March 2018

  • New upload field to integrate with dropzone
    • Added option max file size
    • Added option acceptedFiles
    • Added the option multuple files
    • Added the delete file option
    • Added the id of the attachment in the submissions table for the upload field
    • Show the id of the submited files as links in the entry list
    • Props to Victor and Guillermo for there contributions and making the DropZone a reality 😉
  • Fixed the submission view in the backend.
  • Added a function to strip the html from the post list in the backend
  • Added the interaction when the ajax is in progress to disabled the submit button
  • Several smaller bug fixes – 20. February 2018

  • Fixed an issue in the loop. The thumbnail was not clickable in all sirtuations
  • Moved the password-strength-meter wp_localize_script to its correct location. It was in the admin settings and never got loaded in the frontend. This issue was a merge conflict.
  • Add localisation for password rest to make the password hint and messages translatable. – 9. February 2018

  • fixed a merge conflict from Merge pull request #174 from BuddyForms/fix/g-171

2.1.5 – 8. February 2018

  • Add new shortcode attribute query_option to list posts from all users of the post type for public usage
  • Added new js for special password redirects after registration. If a redirect url is added to the register page url we use this redirect and add it as hidden field to the form
  • Fixed some issues with the redirect after successful login
  • Add a check to the change password form to check if the user should be redirected to a special location There is a new option bf_pw_redirect_url with the redirect url as absolute path
  • Added a new check into the wp insert user function to save the redirect url
  • Created a new function buddyforms_login_redirect to redirect after login from shortcode attribute “redirct_url”
  • Created a new filter buddyforms_login_form_redirect_url to make it possible to overwrite the login redirect in BuddyForms extensions.
  • Added the reset option to the dropdown field using an attribute as flag.
  • Added the reset option to the checkbox, dropdown and select2
  • Implementing the save of post in the backend. This implementation is only for 2 field types.
  • Fixed the extract functions to avoid notices and warnings.
  • Change the submission page to use WP_Query and OOP.
  • Added a hook to update the post meta on edit post in the backend
  • Added a validation to check for specific number when the user set max and min for the same number.
  • More fixes and mobile view improvements, bigger image, fix in date formatting, better buttons, better typo
  • Fully reworked list view CSS
  • New CSS for table view and status items for table view
  • CSS options for each module, done and tested
  • Created extras tab with an option to disable all CSS for this form
  • Created also an option to disable CSS for the tab “other form elements”
  • Work on the login form and password reset
  • Added the display form option back to registration forms so they can be used for profile forms.
  • Change the scroll to top so that we can be sure to see the message
  • Add a new filter “buddyforms_reset_password_redirect” to change the password redirect url
  • Fixed an issue with validation min length. There was a spelling issue in the option name.
  • Add support for the option page to the password strength js
  • Add an redirect option to change password
  • Welcome back the languages folder for the .pot file. People still ask for the file so we move it back
  • Fixed an issue with the registration form content overwrite. The content was returned empty in all cases… ;(
  • Add a change password shortcode to the plugin. This enables new workflow You can auto generate the password during registration and redirect the user to a page with the change password shortcode included.
  • Make hidden and html basic fields so they can be used in all form types
  • Added md5 string to auto generated usernames
  • Fixed a issue with the form and posts list did not get displayed in the endpoints
  • Created two new form elements Country and State
  • Enqueue mce-view to view gallery in front-end post edit props to @Hannah93 for there pull request
  • Remove do_shortcode so galleries work on front-end post edit props to @Hannah93
  • Fixed backend tax empty bug
  • Added some extra check to BuddyForms rewrite roles to avoid load registration forms on BuddyPress Groups pages
  • Added a new do action buddyforms_admin_js_css_enqueue
  • Fixed some css issues
  • Correct some spelling and bad english
  • Fixed an issue with validation min length. There was a spelling issue in the option name.
  • Add support for the option page to the password strength js
  • add a new filter “buddyforms_reset_password_redirect” to change the password redirect url
  • Added the display form option back to registration forms so they can be used for profile forms.
  • Change the scroll to top so that we can be sure to see the message

2.1.4 – 23 August 2017

  • Fixed an issue with the login form shortcode
  • Comment out buddyforms-jquery-ui-style I not think its needed anymore. Let us keep it for a while and delete it in the next versions
  • Update the plugin description and change the link form to
  • Changed the editor.css path. it was admin_url but should be includes_url. Do not as me why this worked before…
  • Fixed an issue with the taxonomy form element. ID must be an integer. There was a string in some situations passed to the function after the last update.
    –> Make sure the term gets deleted if the field is unselected.
    –> Make sure the new taxonomy is saved as default ‘unauthorised’ or nothing instead of a “-1”
  • Remove old pfbc css and js dependencies
  • Reorder and clean up the code
  • Clean up the-loop.php template. Move the pagination out of the table
  • Rename the buddyforms_the_loop_item_last hook to buddyforms_the_loop_item_title_after for the table and buddyforms_the_loop_item_excerpt_after for the list
  • Add form_slug as parameter to the buddyforms_the_loop_li_last and buddyforms_after_loop_item in the the-loop.php template
  • Add form_slug as parameter to the buddyforms_the_table_tr_last and buddyforms_after_loop_item in the the-table.php template
  • Add new hook to the the-loop.php templates buddyforms_the_loop_item_title_after to hook content after the title
  • Add new hook to the the-table.php templates buddyforms_the_thead_tr_inner_last to add new table head labels – 23 August 2017

  • Fixed a issue in the taxonomy form element In some installs it was not possible to process the form if no option was selected even if the field was not required.
  • Added a Redirecting message to the notice if redirect to page is set with Ajax enabled

2.1.3 – 21 August 2017

  • Fixed form validation jQuery error. Props to @Hannah93
  • Fixed undefined function is_error. Props to @Hannah93
  • Fixed small error fixes. Props to @Hannah93
    @Hannah93 huge thanks for your contributions!
  • Fixed a issue in the contact form FROM sender. If set to first name and last name only first name was used.
  • Fixed an issue in the mail notifications. It was not possible to add shortcodes in the From custom sender field.
  • Work on the taxonomy form element, make categories and tags fixed without taxonomy select to simplifier the configuration.
  • Fixed smaler issues in the taxonomy form element and optimise the taxonomy category and tags form elements
  • Added a new option to limit category, tags and taxonomy selection if multiple is enabled
  • Add a notice to the taxonomy form element and hide the options if not on the professional plan
  • Fixed an issue with the comment status The form element always stay as comments open. Even if comments are closed.
  • Set the js and css to global by default. There are to many issues with the function at the moment. Can still set to false with the filer priority higher than 10 or by de register buddyforms_front_js_css_loader_global
  • Fixed admin notice in wp-insert-user.php
  • Make sure mail_submission_trigger_sent is only triggered if a post exist
  • Make sure the wp editor css get loaded
  • Rewrite the logic of generate titlle and content
  • New feature! Log Registrations as Submissions. From now on every Registration and profile changed get logged as submission.
  • Add new metabox to the submissions single view in the backend to display the user id if form type is registration form.
  • Hide Password form any view.
  • Make sure passwords fields does not get saved as post meta with the new logic of registration log as submissions
  • Save the user id in the post if registration form to know the user
  • Add functions to load the admin single view from user meta
  • Reformat Code to stay conform with WordPress Coding Standards
  • Make sure Registration Pages are not displayed in the form builder/ form edit / page select
  • Fixed the layout import in the Form Designer. Colors and custom css was broken and did not get imported.
  • check if generate content and title is activated and generate teh content if the field is not empty. – 1 August 2017

Freemius update to allow free and pro add ons – 27 July 2017

  • Fixed an issue in wp-insert-user.php. Function return value in write context. Remove the sanitise checks from if empty() – July 14.2017

  • Fixed a issue with the AddOns Page There was a conflict “Cannot redeclare _wp_menu_output”
  • Remove the old add-ons.php. We use freemius from now on for the Addons

2.1.2 – July 14.2017

  • Added two now options to select the registration page and form in the general settings and overwrite the WordPress default registration form.
  • Created two new functions buddyforms_registration_page_redirect and buddyforms_registration_page_content to redirect the WordPress registration to a BuddyForms Registration form
  • Created a new user field Date
  • Improved the error handling to better understand ajax errors. If WordPress post insert or update run into an error the error gets displayed.
  • Fixed an issue with the post_excerpt. The form could not get saved if post_excerpt was empty.
  • Moved the required “*” from beginning to the end of the label
  • Fixed some issue in the registration if form is used to update user meta password and mail form element are not required
  • Fixed several smaller issues reported by users
  • Add a new do action do_action( ‘buddyforms_process_submission_end’, $args ) to the registration case to make sure we can hook into the registration process
  • Created a new option to hide the password form element for logged in users – July 01.2017

  • Fixed a merge conflict in the submissions and in the settings views. The submissions and settings was set to hidden from the js.
  • Changed the submissions and settings html so it works with the current js and get displayed.
  • Make sure all submission metabox get displayed – Jun 29.2017

  • Fixed an issue in the ajax error response. $$this should be $this.
  • Adjust the checkbox and select box elements and make label and value required.

2.1.1 – Jun 27.2017

  • Added a new form element post_excerpt
  • Check if form template json request is an error code and load local json if needed.
  • Create a new file deregister to manage all script and stiles we need to deregister
  • Switch from $_SESSION to $wp_session
  • Make sure the buddyforms metaboxes can not be hidden
  • Move the Form Broken admin_notice to post_submitbox_start
  • Make sure the css and js is not loaded on freemius pages
  • Added a new option to the featured image form element to define the button label
  • Add the field name to the error message
  • Added class_exists as wrapper to the complete loader file to support freemius free plugin deactivation if pro version gets activated
  • Reformat the code and deletes old and unneeded code – Jun 12.2017

  • Make sure registration activation does work all over the site and if no option is set the home is used
  • Make sure registration activation code check is fired on all pages
  • Allow to add admin mail as from email in the register account activation message
  • Dependencies for WooCommerce Simple Auction added to the form templates
  • Make sure the buddyforms_activate_user template redirect is before any other redirect can take place
  • Added a new option to select a registration form for for the login form.
  • Created a new function buddyforms_get_all_pages to get all pares as id’s array or by name
  • Fixed issues in the Registration and Activation Logic. Done some deeply testing and changing some logic.
  • Auto Login user after click the activation link.
  • Added some jQuery to to show hide permission options according to the public_submit settings
  • Added referrer as after activation redirect
  • Check if session is writable and change session to the WordPress upload dir if not writable.
  • Fixed multiple issues – Jun 08.2017

  • Added a check is_wp_error for the form builder templates and load defaults if request failed.
  • Added a ask for rating notice
  • Fixed several smaller issues
  • Remove freemius module migration. Its not needed anymore
  • Update the Welcome Screen to the new features

2.1 – Jun 07.2017

  • This is a major update with lots of changes. Not all commits are listed here. For a detailed list of all changes please see the GitHub Commits

Main New Features:
* Form Designer: New Metabox Form Designer to design your forms in detail.
* Form Grid: Add new Options to the Form Builder to set the grid
* Form Templates System to create any kind of Form from template
* Added the functionality to update registration forms from the front to allow existing users to change there user data and meta fields

Summary of changes:
* Added a new form element Phone, eMail and Range
* Create a new file metabox-layout.php for the form layout
* Added new options to adjust the form layout
* Added a new function buddyforms_can_edit to make anonymous and multi author posts possible
* Create a new global settings page for the form layout options
* Added a new option to the form element list in the form builder to define the grid
* Make the author id filterable
* Added functionality to load the layout form from other forms or the global settings
* Create a new function buddyforms_layout_style to determine the style and support bootstrap or other frameworks
* Added a new filer buddyforms_layout_style to overwrite the form grid classes
* Added CSS for form grid options
* Add a Grid builder to the Form ELements.
* Fixed a issue with session start if the server was restarted without deleting the session
* Added a new filter buddyforms_loop_template_name to register new loop templates
* Make sure we have a $post->post_name in the shortcode. It created a conflict with draft posts and edits and run the form twice if a post id exist but no post name.
* Update freemius to prevent function exist
* Create a new Element_InlineHTML to have an HTML form element without grid
* Fixed the schedule time. It was broken because the browser close the divs and render not work.
* Added a new filter buddyforms_the_lp_query to adjust the query result
* Clean up the content filter for the rewrite endpoints
* Add a function to support yoast seo
* Added new function buddyforms_is_author to make BuddyForms better work with multiple authors
* Added two new attributes $form_slug, $post_id to the buddyforms_user_can_delete filter
* Remove is user logged in and buddyforms_can_edit functions from the loop and table templates and move this checks to the buddyforms_post_entry_actions function
* Fixed a freemium issue where the freebies was displayed on gravity forms edit screen.
* Category and tags never worked ;( they never got saved… What a stupid issue! We switched the naming from taxonomy to taxonomy, category, tags but forgot to check during save for the new types.
* Added https support to google recaptcha
* Added a new shortcode bf_login_form to add a simple login/logout form
* Added new filters to manipulate the insert and update arguments buddyforms_wp_insert_post_args buddyforms_wp_update_post_args
* Add a new filter to enable the deactivation of the wp_editor.
* Create a new helper function buddyforms_get_form_slug_by_post_id to get the form slug from post id Will return the form slug from post meta or the default. none if no form is attached
* Move the session back to the constructor. Otherwise we get issue if the form is used in shortcodes
* Created a new function buddyforms_get_post_types to get the allowed posts types of BuddyForms
* Created a new function buddyforms_notice_if_broken_form to check if the form is broken #94
* Added the functionality to update registration forms from the front to allow existing users to change there user data and meta fields
* Added a new function buddyforms_wp_update_user to update existing users
* Adjust the process form script to support update post data and meta
* Added wp_editor support to the textarea
* Load js and css on BuddyForms settings page
* No footer scripts needed at the moment comment out the action for now.
* Added buddyforms-metabox class to settings metaboxes
* Fixed an issue in the global layout options. CSS and JS save was broken after rewrite the meta.
* Fixed an issue where the mail notification was not send if post status changed
* Fixed an issues in the mail buddy. line brakes have not been recognised
* Added new options for mail_from_name and mail_from
* Added the show hide js for new mail notification options
* Added a new attribute to $striped to the buddyforms_display_field_group_table to allow the disable of table striped
* New from options: user_login, user_firs, user_last, userfirst_last, blog_title or custom. Custom can use anf form element via shortcodes
* Added new file form-templates for the form builder and wizard templates
* Created a new function to create the templates array buddyforms_form_builder_register_templates
* Make Form Builder default Label values translatable
* Fixed Wizard -> Permissions -> Check all not working #60
* Last test with smaller fixes to check if the layout is working in the templates
* Fixed an issue in the mail notification settings in the form builder templates
* Strip the content in the submissions view #75
* Fixed hidden content mce toolbar #69
* Move the register post type out of the admin to make it accessible for the rest api
* Make use of the wp rest api for the form builder templates and load the json from the demo.
* Add Kleo Theme Support
* Fixed tons of smaller and bigger issues
* Clean up the code

2.0.15 – 05.04.2017

  • Fixed a taxonomy issue with excluded terms. Added a check if an excluded term was added via the backend edit screen. If a excluded term is found we need to make sure to add it to the cat_string. Otherwise the term is lost by every update from the frontend
  • Remove the languages. We use the .org translation from now on
  • added post_id as global to the buddyforms_form_html function.
  • Fixed a taxonomy issue with excluded. Added a check if an excluded term was added via the backend edit screen. If a excluded term is found we need to make sure to add it to the cat_string. Otherwise the term is lost by every update from the frontend
  • Added new filter buddyforms_form_field_name and buddyforms_form_field_description to make the form label and description translatable.
  • Added new filter buddyforms_wp_dropdown_categories_args to allow add new attributes to the arguments array.
  • Added a new hook buddyforms_core_fs_loaded for other plugins to check if freemius sdk is loaded
  • smaller fixes and css improvements

2.0.14 – 07.02.2017

  • Added new Filter buddyforms_the_loop_args to manipulate the loop args
  • Fixed a jQuery issue if the taxonomy select was not set to single it was not able to create a new tag.
  • Added strip_tags for the auto generated title title.
  • Better position error message on radiobuttons
  • Enquire jQuery dialog and switch to jQuery dialog for all dialogs
  • Select2 fields have not been responsive. Set the css width to auto
  • Try to grab the form slug from the post to support form overwrite and also fallback to default
  • Hook the form to the content why was this comment out?
  • Make sure the form slug is accessible in the global
  • Added a extra check in the e-mail to make sure we not fire any notice


  • Add some checks if is object to avoid notice
  • Changed from p tag to span in the generate title function to avoid line breaks
  • Smaller Changes

  • Add missing function buddyforms_get_form_field_by_slug. Was removed from merge conflict


  • Add new file user-meta.php to display user meta fields in the admin user views
  • There was an issue during registration. add_user_to_blog only works on multi site.
  • Add missing parameter to the buddyforms_activate_account_mail for the new_user_id
  • Rename_process_post to process_submissions
  • Remove old unneeded functions
  • Add new centralised sanitize function buddyforms_sanitize()
  • Move the number form element to the basic fields
  • Small jQuery fix. Make sure the correct fields get displayed for the field types


  • Full support for the Visual Composer
  • Add new loading overlay animation
  • We fixed creating mail notification triggers in the form wizard.
  • We fixed the submit button from stopped being working
  • If the redirect is enabled and the form is set to ajax, we make sure that the ‘after submission message’ gets displayed
  • Scroll to the top after submitting a successful form with ajax
  • Add some field type management. This will get improved soon. It’s a starting point
  • Add new options to generate content
  • Create a new function to replace form fields easily by slug and shortcode [field_slug]
  • Add a new option to the title to auto generate it from other form elements
  • Create a new option in the taxonomy form element to select a placeholder text
  • Add an ‘is_admin’ check to the post meta saving function, to avoid deleting meta while saving from the admin editing screen.
  • Get the page_on_front and exclude it from the query. This page should not be used for the endpoints
  • We removed visual composer elements from the BuddyForms editing screen
  • Add an extra check to make sure JavaScript validation is only running if at least one form exist.
  • Set the BuddyForms post type public to false. There is no need to access BuddyForms directly
  • Add the post id to the buddyforms_user_can_edit filter. If we need more attributes it’s time for a arguments array


  • Add Post Formats support
  • Tested WordPress Version 4.7.1
  • New Pro Feature: Create a new form element for the post formats


  • Fixed a issue in the mail notification. Array elements like checkboxes and taxonomies got displayed as ‘Array’
  • Add a new function to display Checkboxes, eMails, Websites and Taxonomies in mail notifications.


  • Enable Advanced options for the contact form fields
  • Spelling correction
  • Add some isset checks to prevent nonce in the form select meta box
  • Add new parameter to the buddyforms_user_can_edit filter to enable limit user submissions by user role.
  • Add all error messages in filter to allow the overwrite from other plugins


  • Check if a mail notification exist to avoid php notice if debugger is enabled
  • Update the freemius SDK.


  • Fixed an issue with categories and tax. The form element was only working as taxonomy form element.
  • Fixed the admin header for WordPress 4.7
  • Update the welcome screen links and screenshots


  • Add a new function remove_admin_scripts to remove styles and scripts added by other plugins and themes
  • Add Kleo Theme Support
  • Fixed an issue with the dependencies management. If pro was activatedit still ask for the free. Fixed now with a new default BUDDYFORMS_PRO_VERSION in the core to check if the pro is active.
  • Make sure any css from other plugins is deregistered if the BuddyForms view is displayed
  • Add suffix “buddyforms to all js handle
  • remove_all_actions( ‘admin_head’, 10 ) if BuddyForms is viewed
  • To strict remove of all other plugin and theme relevant js and css is the only solution to avoid conflicts if the edit screen is used.
  • Fixed a missing attribute in the buddyforms_form_element_multiple function cursing the form element checkbox and select to break.


  • Fixed an issue in the form import function.
  • Add a new do action buddyforms_admin_js_footer to add custom extension js to the admin footer
  • Add a new filter buddyforms_form_builder_post_type to add new options into the post type select
  • Rebuild buddyforms_locate_template function to fix a issue loosing the variables if used locate_template
  • Rename buddyforms_add_form_element_to_select to buddyforms_add_form_element_select_option
  • Add Text Domain and Domain Path in the header
  • Remove indeed function parameter and variables
  • Add dynamic version to the welcome screen
  • Subject and message have not been unique
  • Clean up the code
  • Code smell fixes
  • Delete unneeded files
  • Update translations


  • Remove old select2 dependencies
  • Fixed a firefox admin ui css issue with the form type select box
  • Make sure the taxonomy form element only get saved during form processing if a taxonomy is selected in the form element
  • Separate starter and professional plans in the pro version. They have been accidentally the same.
  • New labels for the free starter professional and business plans
  • Rebuild the mail notifications. Its not needed to add any message text. BuddyForms will automatically use the subject and message form elements if they are available.
  • If no message text is available BuddyForms will add all form element valuers as table into the eMail.
  • Add new option to select the submitter as Sent to address
  • Create a new function buddyforms_mail_notification_form_elements_as_table to add a form elements table via tags or if no mail message content exists
  • Documentation for the new features
  • Fixed smaller issues and css fixes reported by users.


  • smaller submissions loop table css fixes
  • fixed an issue with the update form the 1.5.3 version


  • Freemius SDK update
  • smaller changes


  • First public version


120 reviews

Rating breakdown

Details Information



First Released

24 Jun, 2016

Total Downloads


Wordpress Version

4.0 or higher

Tested up to:


Require PHP Version:

5.3 or higher





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