sanitize_file_name( string $filename )

Sanitizes a filename, replacing whitespace with dashes.


Removes special characters that are illegal in filenames on certain operating systems and special characters requiring special escaping to manipulate at the command line. Replaces spaces and consecutive dashes with a single dash. Trims period, dash and underscore from beginning and end of filename. It is not guaranteed that this function will return a filename that is allowed to be uploaded.



(string) (Required) The filename to be sanitized

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(string) The sanitized filename

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File: wp-includes/formatting.php

function sanitize_file_name( $filename ) {
	$filename_raw  = $filename;
	$special_chars = array( '?', '[', ']', '/', '\\', '=', '<', '>', ':', ';', ',', "'", '"', '&', '$', '#', '*', '(', ')', '|', '~', '`', '!', '{', '}', '%', '+', chr( 0 ) );
	 * Filters the list of characters to remove from a filename.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @param array  $special_chars Characters to remove.
	 * @param string $filename_raw  Filename as it was passed into sanitize_file_name().
	$special_chars = apply_filters( 'sanitize_file_name_chars', $special_chars, $filename_raw );
	$filename      = preg_replace( "#\x{00a0}#siu", ' ', $filename );
	$filename      = str_replace( $special_chars, '', $filename );
	$filename      = str_replace( array( '%20', '+' ), '-', $filename );
	$filename      = preg_replace( '/[\r\n\t -]+/', '-', $filename );
	$filename      = trim( $filename, '.-_' );

	if ( false === strpos( $filename, '.' ) ) {
		$mime_types = wp_get_mime_types();
		$filetype   = wp_check_filetype( 'test.' . $filename, $mime_types );
		if ( $filetype['ext'] === $filename ) {
			$filename = 'unnamed-file.' . $filetype['ext'];

	// Split the filename into a base and extension[s]
	$parts = explode( '.', $filename );

	// Return if only one extension
	if ( count( $parts ) <= 2 ) {
		 * Filters a sanitized filename string.
		 * @since 2.8.0
		 * @param string $filename     Sanitized filename.
		 * @param string $filename_raw The filename prior to sanitization.
		return apply_filters( 'sanitize_file_name', $filename, $filename_raw );

	// Process multiple extensions
	$filename  = array_shift( $parts );
	$extension = array_pop( $parts );
	$mimes     = get_allowed_mime_types();

	 * Loop over any intermediate extensions. Postfix them with a trailing underscore
	 * if they are a 2 - 5 character long alpha string not in the extension whitelist.
	foreach ( (array) $parts as $part ) {
		$filename .= '.' . $part;

		if ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z]{2,5}\d?$/', $part ) ) {
			$allowed = false;
			foreach ( $mimes as $ext_preg => $mime_match ) {
				$ext_preg = '!^(' . $ext_preg . ')$!i';
				if ( preg_match( $ext_preg, $part ) ) {
					$allowed = true;
			if ( ! $allowed ) {
				$filename .= '_';
	$filename .= '.' . $extension;
	/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/formatting.php */
	return apply_filters( 'sanitize_file_name', $filename, $filename_raw );

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Version Description
2.1.0 Introduced.