WP_Customize_Widgets::render_widget_partial( WP_Customize_Partial $partial, array $context )
Renders a specific widget using the supplied sidebar arguments.
Description Description
See also See also
Parameters Parameters
- $partial
(WP_Customize_Partial) (Required) Partial.
- $context
(array) (Required) Sidebar args supplied as container context.
- 'sidebar_id'
(string) ID for sidebar for widget to render into. - 'sidebar_instance_number'
(int) Disambiguating instance number.
- 'sidebar_id'
Return Return
Source Source
File: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php
public function render_widget_partial( $partial, $context ) { $id_data = $partial->id_data(); $widget_id = array_shift( $id_data['keys'] ); if ( ! is_array( $context ) || empty( $context['sidebar_id'] ) || ! is_registered_sidebar( $context['sidebar_id'] ) ) { return false; } $this->rendering_sidebar_id = $context['sidebar_id']; if ( isset( $context['sidebar_instance_number'] ) ) { $this->context_sidebar_instance_number = intval( $context['sidebar_instance_number'] ); } // Filter sidebars_widgets so that only the queried widget is in the sidebar. $this->rendering_widget_id = $widget_id; $filter_callback = array( $this, 'filter_sidebars_widgets_for_rendering_widget' ); add_filter( 'sidebars_widgets', $filter_callback, 1000 ); // Render the widget. ob_start(); $this->rendering_sidebar_id = $context['sidebar_id']; dynamic_sidebar( $this->rendering_sidebar_id ); $container = ob_get_clean(); // Reset variables for next partial render. remove_filter( 'sidebars_widgets', $filter_callback, 1000 ); $this->context_sidebar_instance_number = null; $this->rendering_sidebar_id = null; $this->rendering_widget_id = null; return $container; }
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.5.0 | Introduced. |