Alert: This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

WP_Query::set_found_posts( array $q, string $limits )

Set up the amount of found posts and the number of pages (if limit clause was used) for the current query.

Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(array) (Required) Query variables.


(string) (Required) LIMIT clauses of the query.

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Source Source

File: wp-includes/class-wp-query.php

	private function set_found_posts( $q, $limits ) {
		global $wpdb;
		// Bail if posts is an empty array. Continue if posts is an empty string,
		// null, or false to accommodate caching plugins that fill posts later.
		if ( $q['no_found_rows'] || ( is_array( $this->posts ) && ! $this->posts ) ) {

		if ( ! empty( $limits ) ) {
			 * Filters the query to run for retrieving the found posts.
			 * @since 2.1.0
			 * @param string   $found_posts The query to run to find the found posts.
			 * @param WP_Query $this        The WP_Query instance (passed by reference).
			$this->found_posts = $wpdb->get_var( apply_filters_ref_array( 'found_posts_query', array( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()', &$this ) ) );
		} else {
			if ( is_array( $this->posts ) ) {
				$this->found_posts = count( $this->posts );
			} else {
				if ( null === $this->posts ) {
					$this->found_posts = 0;
				} else {
					$this->found_posts = 1;

		 * Filters the number of found posts for the query.
		 * @since 2.1.0
		 * @param int      $found_posts The number of posts found.
		 * @param WP_Query $this        The WP_Query instance (passed by reference).
		$this->found_posts = apply_filters_ref_array( 'found_posts', array( $this->found_posts, &$this ) );

		if ( ! empty( $limits ) ) {
			$this->max_num_pages = ceil( $this->found_posts / $q['posts_per_page'] );

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.5.0 Introduced.

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